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This aspect of Safari 5.1 is really lame!

"Webpages are not responding. To visit the selected webpage, all webpages in other tabs and windows must be force reloaded. Do you want to visit this page?"

Maybe I have something misconfigured but I think I am going to be forced to revert to the last version of Safari. An error window with the above text is popping up too frequently and my general overall impression of new Safari is that it is weak. I am for the first time actually seriously considering installing Chrome to overcome issues of slowness with this latest version of Safari.

Just to note: This force reloading issue is particularly troubling when I have a paused YouTube video in another background window that is forced to reload. When it reloads that paused video starts over from the beginning and immediately begins to play.


MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2009 Aluminum Macbook, 2 GB Ram

Posted on Jul 22, 2011 3:44 AM

149 replies

Feb 24, 2012 1:33 PM in response to Scott Stevenson

Seriously, this is the stupidest aspect of 5.1. I really would like to go back to 5.0.4, can Apple please post an upgrade to 5.0.4 on their site so we can all get off of 5.1? It's ridiculously horrible. I just lost a nice long post I was typing because safari decided to force reload everything with no warning and for no particular reason.

Also, I'd like to be able to upgrade from Lion to Snow Leopard. Lion is also terrible.

Feb 24, 2012 1:45 PM in response to therealFANGO

supposedly Mountain Lion is to take care of this mess as well as others with Lion in general.

if it is going to be like iOS on the iPhone & iPad, it just may work. i don't have any problems with Safari on either nor do things hang or 'force reload'.

all we can do is b****, yell & moan and hope someone, anywhere is listening...

Mar 1, 2012 9:02 AM in response to Scott Stevenson

Here we are many months later, several system upgrades later, and this basic issue has not been fixed. Attn Apple, can someone from your company please acknowledge that you have heard us (your customers) and are working on fixing this or have decided not to. That way, we can move forward. I love Safari and it is my browser of choice, but this one issue is very frustrating. Please respond to us on this chat and let us know. Thank you Apple!

Mar 1, 2012 10:56 AM in response to Prince Russ

Prince Russ wrote:

Here we are many months later, several system upgrades later, and this basic issue has not been fixed.

Attn Apple, can someone from your company please acknowledge that you have heard us (your customers) and are working on fixing this or have decided not to.

this time is over, since the no.1 priority is the entertainment ios stuff!

so i think we can expect ipad 3,4,5,6,6s, atv3,4, itv1,2,3, macair pro books, etc pp before we get a working safari AND OS (not the lion xp UPDATE with tones of nonses = in apple words innovations) back!

as i said before, the good times are definitively over, where you could expect solid hard- and software. today you have to be very carefully with every system software update, it's unbelievable and feels like i'm back on windoof!

now we the customers should only by the all new entertainment s h i t, nothing more, cause priority no.1 are the shareholders!

Mar 1, 2012 1:58 PM in response to John Muccigrosso

Of those, the one plugin I have in common with you is ClickToFlash (actually the version I have is ClickToPlugin).

As much as I hate to admit it, I've suspected for a while that it might be causing some issues.

I also have Ghostery and JavaScript Blacklist installed on my office Mac.

My home Mac has a few additional plugins in addition to these three, but I'm not there to look and see what they are.

Mar 1, 2012 2:11 PM in response to candez

For the record, I also have Ghostery installed.

My after-work routine is to load up about 15 tabs at once, and then leave my office, reading them on the trainride home. Used to be that when I clicked to have them load, it could take several minutes and it would kill my memory usage. That isn't true anymore. Safari does still slowly eat up memory (at least I'm pretty sure it does), but it takes a while to do so now, and this "massive" loading doesn't overwhelm the machine.

So, better, but not perfect.

@candez, I actually don't have Flash loaded at all now. I use a few of the html5 extensions, and run Chrome if I really really have to have Flash.

Mar 1, 2012 2:14 PM in response to John Muccigrosso


That's exactly how I used to use it, but with the new version I can't. It used to eat a bunch of memory, but now it wants to force load and I lose all my tabs. I used to load tabs for work and mark up web pages on the train ride.

Also, when I turn off my Click to Flash extension it's better, but certainly not fixed. This is awful with now end in sight.


Mar 1, 2012 4:09 PM in response to jmi2


There's always Kill Flash, which I'm pretty certain is compatible with Lion. I also have Kill Flash working, which I had forgotten about when I gave my list above. I do think it has introduced a few issues as well, so it's not a perfect solution (actually killing Flash would be the only perfect solution).

@John M

What do you mean that you not have Flash loaded at all? It's not installed or... ? I would love to do that. Until then, there's no way I could bring myself to disable ClickToFlash.

Mar 2, 2012 6:32 AM in response to candez

Right, no Flash at all. (Well, it's there, but in a "disabled" folder.) To be honest, I rarely miss it. Most sites now have some HTML5 version. Occasionally I have to use the Develop menu and switch my user agent to the iPad one, but even that isn't very common nowadays.

The reason I don't use click-to-flash is that it pretends to be flash, so it looks to websites like you have flash installed. I'd rather they see that I don't. (I got this from gruber, I think.)


If you're doing what I do and you have problems, there's definitely something going on there. I'd play around with extensions. My pages load up fairly fast now.

I also find it useful to have MenuMeters on. I watch the memory, cpu, and network speeds in my menu. Very handy to see when the RAM is gone.

Apr 3, 2012 6:09 PM in response to Scott Stevenson

I am beyond distressed. I invested in changing to Macs in 2006. Recently, I bought a SAmsung lap top for my daughter. It's twice as fast, smooth going and the internet browser does not force reload every minute or two. Apple is in the toilet, rounding the S bend. It's brown and it stinks. Anyone who thinks apple is superior now needs their head read. They produce over priced disfunctional hardware and software. Going back to Windows...


PS, how apple can leave so many users high and dry for so long, in tgheir pursuit of new clients with dumb gadgets is a disgrace. Aholes!

This aspect of Safari 5.1 is really lame!

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