I gave my wife a new MacBook Pro after her old one just seemed too slow (it is over 7 years old). This Migration Assistant baloney is really making me mad. First, the super-fast Thunderbolt solution doesn't seem to work; the new Mac does not see the old Mac. I followed the directions precisely. If there are "tricks" or "tips" they should be on the Support page with the instructions, not buried in one of these "community" forums.
Secondly, we decided to try the hardwired Ethernet MA route. Turned off wireless on both machines. Seemed to get off to a proper start. However, after almost 24 hours of waiting, the transfer has been stuck at the "Less than 1 minute to go" for over 4 hours. And, during the transfer all day yesterday, it always seemed to say anywhere from "1 hour" to "5 hours" remaining.
This is just sickening. I've done disk transfer utilities myself. This isn't hard to get right... but for some reason, it seems Apple has taken its eye off the ball here. Upselling to the fanboys is probably their most reliable revenue stream, but maybe the iPhone thing has become just too big, and the Mac division has been relegated to the boons with no good engineers left.
She's on with tech support right now, I'll let you know how it turns out. However, in my opinion, the Migration Assistant should "know" all the tips and tricks as part of its built-in programming... IE, tell you you might want to check your disk first, maybe change some security settings for incoming connections (I've seen that hint when running down the initial Thunderbolt-doesn't-work problem), etc. The focus should be on that really great 100% smooth migration experience they've had in the past.
I used to be really impressed, but now I'm pretty disgusted. I'm going to inherit the old MacBook and intend to run Windows and Linux on it just to p*ss off every Mac fanboy.
Ugh. THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS later and what a disappointment.