how do i get a tick symbol
how do i get a tick symbol
iPhone 3GS, iOS 4.3.3
how do i get a tick symbol
iPhone 3GS, iOS 4.3.3
You can use Nevin Mrgan's web app glyphboard. Read this article about using the iPhone's alternate keys and how to use the gyphboard. -on-the-iphone-keyboard.html
You can use Nevin Mrgan's web app glyphboard. Read this article about using the iPhone's alternate keys and how to use the gyphboard. -on-the-iphone-keyboard.html
As in a checkmark? option+v = √
That will only work with a hardware keyboard, though.
Other than that, it looks like you're limited to copy-pasting it from a website, such as Wikipedia.
Thats the one but what it on iphone 3g s please
how do i get a tick symbol