Over the last week, I have been experiencing exactly the same problem and have just managed to solve it.
The error reports which are generated are the same as yours (differing only in the computer hardware details), so I won't include them here. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Safari 5.1, done the same for all the Safari extensions and even reinstalled OSX 10.7 (Lion) all without success.
What I found in my case, was that one of the tabs in the Safari webpages I opened was corrupted. I believe that you mentioned that you too have a corrupted page/tab which is causing the crashes ?
Although I could open all the pages when Safari is restarted, clicking on a link from my email caused Safari to crash. In addition, trying to close the corrupted tab, the page it was attached to or even to close completely Safari caused it to crash.
Every time it crashes, Safari saves its "state" ready to be reloaded when it restarts. This "feature" has to be addressed in order to fix things.
Using the Apple file manager to remove the following information should solve your problem.
Follow these steps
Make sure that Safari is not running (or don't restart it if it has crashed)
Remove the contents of the directory {HOME}/Library/Saved Application State/com.applle.Safari.saved.State/
Remove the file {HOME}/Library/Safari/LastSession.plist
When you restart Safari, it will no longer load up the corrupted page or crash and should also open pages when you click email links.
If you wish to be more subtle and preserve most of your previously opened pages
Follow these steps
Make sure that Safari is not running (or don't restart it if it has crashed)
Remove the contents of the directory {HOME}/Library/Saved Application State/com.applle.Safari.saved.State/
Edit the file {HOME}/Library/Safari/LastSession.plist to remove the reference to the corrupted page and resave it. I managed to edit the file using Apple's Xcode editor but other software such as PListBuddy may work.
When you restart Safari, it will no longer load up the corrupted page or crash and should also open pages when you click email links.
I hope that this sorts your problem out and I also hope that Apple reads these messages (in addition to all the crash reports which have been sent to them). Corrupted pages/tabs should not cause the entire browser to crash. Very annoying.