Here is how I installed 10.6.8 on a Mac Mini, in more detail than earlier descriptions:
1. Start Mini in Target Disk Mode (TDM), connect to 2011 MBP 13" 2.7 with a Firewire 800 cable.
2. Boot MBP from the Mac OS X install disc it came with, 10.6.6.
3. Use disk Utility to erase the Mini's HD.
4. Install 10.6.6 on Mini's HD (including Rosetta and QT7, of course).
I found the Mac Mini can't boot 10.6.6, so:
5. Reboot with option key, now boot MBT from Mini's HD.
6. Create a new user, again still on MBP.
7. Install 10.6.8 combo update v1.1.
8. Shut down MBP and Mini.
9. Now connect Mini to a monitor and boot from its own HD.
10. For good measure, and to make sure no drivers were missed, Install 10.6.8 combo update v1.1 again.
11. Add the Macmini5,* files as detailed by newfoundglory, adding the chmod 644.
(and have the phantom display issue)