Ok guys, I found something interesting !
As I can't log on any admin user account, I decided to use the root session. Here is how you can do:
• If you didn't set up the root account before, 2 ways to do it :
- 1st way : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1528?viewlocale=en_US
- 2nd way :
* Open Terminal (via spotlight or /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app
* Type : "sudo passwd root"
* It will ask for your admin user password (your user account) -> "Password:"
* Then define the root password -> "New password:"
* Finally, confirm new password -> "Retype new password:"
• You can test if everything went well by typing
- "su root" in the terminal windows
- It will ask for the root password, type the one you previously choose, and a bash command should start ! If so, you root password is set and you can quit the bash command via "exit".
• When the root account is set, you can go back to your preference pane and set anything. When you'll click on the lock, replace the "Name" field automatically filled by "root" and type the root password in the password field. It should be fine, it worked for me.
Of course, this is a temporary solution to the preference pane problem, but for now, and after many hours of experimentations, it works !
Tell me if it works for you too !?