Will iCloud work with Snow Leopard?
Will iCloud work with Snow Leopard?
iMac Snow Leopard, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
Will iCloud work with Snow Leopard?
iMac Snow Leopard, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
I just talked with an Apple Care rep and I was told that I can update my MM account to iCloud and my calendars and email (@mac and @me) will still sync with my Mac running Snow Leopard. I only asked about those 2 specific things, because that is all I care about. You will have to do the migration to iCloud through your browser
Very good point! I like the new toys just as much as the next guy. But, I'm simply not going to lay cash down every time that Apple or anyone else decides that they will render my perfectly good investment useless through the upgrade of an OS that leaves things out that do NOT need to be left out!
Not only do they leave the older intel iMacs behind with Lion, they also left out Rosetta. So, it's not just a new system, it can also be a whole new set of software too and leaving behind stuff that won't be upated. On the top of my mind is Quicken 6 for the Mac. I use it all the time, I like it and I don't want to upgrade to newer and crappier versions of Quicken. There's older games, emulators and tons of other cool stuff that require rosetta. I don't think it would have killed them to leave it in place. But, it forces the choice of staying behind or buying a bunch of new stuff.
Pass this to all. icloud and ical works with snow lepoard.
Go to iCal preferences.
Set up new account.
Account Type: CalDAV
User Name: Your MobileMe / iCloud email address
Password: Your password for above
Server Address: p06-caldav.icloud.com
what is "free"? iCloud - well, if you are running 10.6 it isn't - one got to purchase 10.7!
Is this a joke???
Well said! I lost count of the software that no longer works after the upgrade to Lion and Quicken is a classic example.
This newest upgrade has left me with some serious questions and has certainly curtailed my enthusiasm for recommending apple products to friends and family.
Unless I'm missing something here, messing with iCal settings is only going to sync iCal. Services such as instantly synching everything to all devices, storage, etc. is not going to be usable on Snow Leopard making these changes. If that's the case, why would anyone care since the Calendar on the iPhone, iPad, etc. can be synched and accessed from the iCloud site?
What about address book?
Have tried https://p02-contacts.icloud.com:443/[uniqueid]/carddavhome hitch works on my iPad and iPhone 3G but doesn't on my snow leopard.
Thank you for this helpful way to set up iCloud in iCal. I already have an iCal account and just updated my iPad and iPhone but cannot get the same look and features on my Mac and I don't want to buy Lion. The current location for my iCal(CalDav) server is cal.me.com. If I change the location to: p06-caldav.icloud.com will I then have iCloud features on my Mac or will I just make things worse? Thanks for any advice you can give.
This has worked for me on my iPhone 3G to a lesser degree Snow Leopard. iCloud account is all working on www.iCloud.com and on my iPad updated to OS5.
On my iPhone3G and Snow Leopard:
Mail: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4864
Calendar: http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20111014102515403
Contacts (does not work on Snow Leopard Mac but has worked on my iPhone 3G): set up as CalDav with server as p02-contacts.icloud.com and use SSL Port 443
Hope that helps.
How do I get an icould email address?
I've got icould on my iphone and itunes automatically downloads music on both devices but i won't transfer my photos.
We can't always afford to upgrade every three years! Talk about your throw away society.
Checking with any Apple Support, noone can tell us about a new update to use iCloud with SnowLeopard.
It seems Apple want us to move to Lion in order to use iCloud, but they must to know that my Core Duo won't perform Lion in any case that SnowLeopard does.
So, keep on waiting a new update (scamed with 10.6.9?) or forget use iCloud without Lion.
And just what if it is LION that we are opposed to using. I ran to the Apple Store to buy a new MacBiook Pro when Lion came out so I could have the newest computer that would still boot into Snow Leopard.
I think Lion is the failure here. I don't want my computer to act like my phone. I don't need my computer to save 4000000 copies of everything I do. I don't want my computer to remember everything I was working on last time I used an app. I want MY conmuter to act the way I want it to. All of the terrible things they added to Lion should be "optional" not mandatory.
I love MobileMe and have used it since iTools days. It was a great way to enjoy and SHARE. Now Apple has taken ALL of the sharing away. No iWeb, No iDisk, No Gallery? What the heck is it for, syncing personal info? Wow, that's a community builder. Way to focus on the self. How the heck am I going to share photos with my family and friends now? Wait until they come to visit and show them my phone, "here's 1000 photos from the past 30 days of my life."
Thanks for nothing.
I am surprised at stuff they are removing, seems like a slap in the face, especially considering Mobile Me was a pay service. I'm personally not too upset about the changes there since I was only really using the Calendar and Contacts, I did have a few docs on the iDisk which I thought was cool and I'm surprised they are changing that.
Anyway, I agree with your comments and frustration though. I hope they do update Snow Leopard to support iCloud though. For website stuff I have my own domain and space which is actually cheaper than Mobile Me, I have my own email address there and full control of all of that. For hosting images, there's plenty of free sites for that too (i.e. Flickr), so ot may investigating those if you haven't already.
For myself, I'm just going to use the core services on iCloud and upgrade past the free level. I'll fill in the blanks with other services.
I could not have said it better. I fully agree with you!
Will iCloud work with Snow Leopard?