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Directory Binding Script (Active and Open Directory) 10.7

Hi everyone

I'm reposting this in the right thread. I've written a Directory Binding Script for 10.6 and ported it now to 10.7 as among the things that have changed in the upgraded version is a refurbished directory binding enviroment.

The original thread can be found here: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3090068. The script is applicable for clients as well and simplifies the binding process considerably.

Be aware that the reformatted script here contains some faulty line breaks. So you'll have to correct them in a proper text editor.


#Uncomment the following line to abort the script on errors
#trap exit ERR

## Script to automate OD and AD Binding of Mac OS X 10.7 Servers
## Script written by Marc Horat, URZ Basel, 11.6.2010
## Updated: 12.08.2011

# With the use of the following sources as inspiration:

# http://www.howtomac.co.uk/?p=247
#Created by Ross Hamilton
#Clock restart / Remove existing settings
#Join to Open Directory and Active Directory

# Bombich's AD-Bind Script:
# This script binds to AD and configures advanced options of the AD plugin
# As this scripts contains a password, be sure to take appropriate security
# precautions
# A good way to run this script is to set it as a login hook on your master machine
# Because it only needs to be run once, the last thing this script does is to delete
# itself. If you have another login script that you typically run, include the
# script on your master machine, and indicate its path in the "newLoginScript"
# variable.
# If running this as a one-time login hook to bind to AD after imaging,
# be sure to enable auto-login (for any local user) before creating your master image


# These variables need to be configured for your env
odAdmin="YOURODADMIN" #enter your OD admin name between the quotes
odPassword="YOURODPW"  # Enter your OD admin password between the quotes
oddomain="YOURODDOMAIN" # FQDN of your OD domain
computerGroup="YOURNEWODCOMPGROUP"  # Add appropriate computer group you want machines to be added to, case sensitive
oldComputerGroup="YOUROLDODCOMPGROUP" # If the Computer is in a Group already

# Standard parameters
domain="YOURADDOMAIN"                              # fully qualified DNS name of Active Directory Domain
domainname="YOURADDOMAINNAME"                    #Name of the Domain as specified in the search paths
udn="YOURADADMIN"                              # username of a privileged network user
password="YOURADPW"                                                  # password of a privileged network user
ou="OU=YOUR,OU=OU,OU=URZ,OU=IN,DC=YOUR,DC=AD,DC=DOMAIN"                    # Distinguished name of container for the computer E.G. OU=Macs,OU=Computers,DC=AD,DC=DOMAIN,DC=CH

# Advanced options AD Plugin
alldomains="disable"                              # 'enable' or 'disable' automatic multi-domain authentication
localhome="disable"                              # 'enable' or 'disable' force home directory to local drive
protocol="smb"                                        # 'afp', 'smb' or 'nfs' (since 10.7) change how home is mounted from server
mobile="enable"                              # 'enable' or 'disable' mobile account support for offline logon
mobileconfirm="enable"                    # 'enable' or 'disable' warn the user that a mobile acct will be created
useuncpath="enable"                              # 'enable' or 'disable' use AD SMBHome attribute to determine the home dir
user_shell="/bin/bash"                    # e.g., /bin/bash or "none"
preferred="-preferred $domain"          # Use the specified server for all Directory lookups and authentication
# (e.g. "-nopreferred" or "-preferred ad.server.edu")
admingroups="$domainname\YOURADADMINGROUP" # These comma-separated AD groups may administer the machine (e.g. "" or "APPLE\macadmins")
packetsign="allow"                              # allow | disable | require
packetencrypt="allow"                    # allow | disable | require
passinterval="14"                              # number of days
namespace="domain"                              # forest | domain

# Login hook setting -- specify the path to a login hook that you want to run instead of this script
newLoginHook=""                    # e.g., "/Library/Management/login.sh"

################################# End of configuration

############ Begin of Script

# Host-specific parameters
# computerid should be set dynamically, this value must be machine-specific
# This value may be restricted to 19 characters! The only error you'll receive upon entering
# an invalid computer id is to the effect of not having appropriate privileges to perform the requested operation
#computerid=`/sbin/ifconfig en0 | awk '/ether/ { gsub(":", ""); print $2 }'` # MAC Address
#computerid=`hostname | sed 's/.unibas.ch//'`
#computerid=`/usr/sbin/scutil --get LocalHostName | cut -c 1-19` # Assure that this will produce unique names!
#computerid=`/usr/sbin/scutil --get LocalHostName`
computerid=`scutil --get ComputerName`
adcomputerid=`echo "$computerid" | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]`

# These variables probably don't need to be changed
# Determing if any directory binding exists
nicAddress=`ifconfig en0 | grep ether | awk '{print $2}'`
if dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3 | grep . > /dev/null
          check4ODtmp=`dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3 | grep -n 1 | sed 's/1://' | sed 's/2://'`
          echo "Found LDAP: "$check4ODtmp
          check4ODaccttmp=`dscl /LDAPv3/"$check4OD" -read Computers/"$computerid" RealName | cut -c 11-`
          echo "Found LDAP-Computer-Account: "$check4ODacct

          echo "No bound LDAP Server found"


if [ $oldComputerGroup != "" ] && dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3 | grep . > /dev/null
          check4ODgroupMembershiptmp=`dscl /LDAPv3/"$check4OD" -read ComputerGroups/"$oldComputerGroup" | grep "$computerid"`
          echo "LDAP Group Membership in Group: "$oldComputerGroup
          echo "No LDAP Group Membership defined or not bound to a server"


if dscl localhost -list "/Active Directory" | grep $domainname > /dev/null
          check4ADtmp=`dsconfigad -show | grep "Active Directory Domain" | sed 's/Active Directory Domain//'  | sed 's/=//'`
          echo "Found AD: "$check4AD
          check4ADaccttmp=`dsconfigad -show | grep "Computer Account" | sed 's/Computer Account//' | sed 's/=//'`
          echo "Found AD-Account: "$check4ADacct

          echo "No AD-Account found"

osversionlong=`sw_vers -productVersion`

#Time Sync

#Restart ntpdate
StartService ()
if [ "${TIMESYNC:=-YES-}" = "-YES-" ] && ! GetPID ntpd > /dev/null; then


if [ -f /var/run/NetworkTime.StartupItem -o "${NETWORKUP}" = "-NO-" ]; then exit; fi
          touch /var/run/NetworkTime.StartupItem

          echo "Starting network time synchronization"

# Synchronize our clock to the network’s time,
# then fire off ntpd to keep the clock in sync.
          ntpdate -bvs
          ntpd -f /var/run/ntp.drift -p /var/run/ntpd.pid

echo ""
echo ""

sleep 5
#### Removing any existing directory bindings

#Clear OD Computer Account and delete entry from Computer group
if dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3 | grep . > /dev/null
          echo "This computer is bound to the following Open Directory Services:"
          dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3
          echo "With the Search Path entries:"
          dscl /Search -read / CSPSearchPath | grep /LDAP
          sleep 5
          if [ "${check4ODacct}" == "${computerid}" ]
                    echo "This machine already has a computer account on $oddomain."
                    # Set the GUID
                    GUID="$(dscl /LDAPv3/$oddomain -read /Computers/${computerid} GeneratedUID | awk '{ print $2 }')"
                    echo "Found GUID: "$GUID
                    if [ "$oldComputerGroup" != "" ] && [ "$check4ODgroupMembership" != "" ]
                              echo "Removing entry from group $oldComputerGroup"
                              dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$check4OD" -delete /ComputerGroups/"$oldComputerGroup" GroupMembership "${computerid}"
                              dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$check4OD" -delete /ComputerGroups/"$oldComputerGroup" GroupMembers "${GUID}"
                              dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$check4OD" -delete /ComputerLists/"$oldComputerGroup" Computers "${computerid}"

                    echo "Removing Computer entry $computerid in OD"
                    dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$check4OD" -delete /Computers/"${computerid}"
          #List existing Directories

          echo "Removing OD-Binding to "$check4OD
          dsconfigldap -r "$check4OD"
          echo "Removing Search Path entries"
          dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$check4OD"
          dscl /Search/Contacts -delete / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$check4OD"
          dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$check4OD"
          sleep 5

          echo "No LDAP or OD Binding present.";

echo ""

# Check a second time in order to delete any remaining LDAP-Bindings
echo "Scanning for further LDAP servers"

if dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3 | grep . > /dev/null
          echo "Found:"
          dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3
          echo "Removing OD-Binding to "$check4ODtmp
          dsconfigldap -r "$check4ODtmp"
          dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$check4ODtmp"
          dscl /Search/Contacts -delete / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$check4ODtmp"
          dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$check4ODtmp"
          sleep 5

          echo "No further LDAP or OD Binding present."


echo ""
echo ""

#Remove the Active Directory binding
if [ "$check4AD" != "" ]
          echo "This computer is bound to the following Active Directory Services:"
          dscl localhost -list "/Active Directory"
          echo "With the Search Path entries:"
          dscl /Search -read / CSPSearchPath | grep /Active
          sleep 5
          echo "Removing any existing AD-Binding to "$check4AD
    dsconfigad -f -remove -username "$udn" -password "$password"
    echo "Removing Search Path entries"
          if [ "$preferred" != "-nopreferred" ]
                    dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath /Active Directory/"$domainname"
                    dscl /Search/Contacts -delete / CSPSearchPath /Active Directory/"$domainname"
                    dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath /Active Directory/"$domainname"
          dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath "/Active Directory/$domainname/All Domains"
          dscl /Search/Contacts -delete / CSPSearchPath "/Active Directory/$domainname/All Domains"
#remove search path entries from 10.6
    if dscl /Search -read / CSPSearchPath | grep /Active > /dev/null
        dscl /Search -delete / CSPSearchPath "/Active Directory/$domainname/$domain"
        dscl /Search/Contacts -delete / CSPSearchPath "/Active Directory/$domainname/$domain"
          sleep 5
          echo "No Active Directory Binding present."


echo ""

#Remove Existing Directory Services Config
echo "Removing existing DS Config"

if [ -d "/Library/Preferences/edu.mit.Kerberos" ]
          rm -R /Library/Preferences/edu.mit.Kerberos

if [ -d "/etc/krb5.keytab" ]
          rm -R /etc/krb5.keytab

# Clean up the DirectoryService configuration files
rm -Rfv /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/*


echo ""
echo ""

echo "Binding to OD-Damin "$oddomain
sleep 5
dsconfigldap -v -a "$oddomain" -n "$oddomain" -c "$computerid"
echo "Killing opendirectoryd"
killall opendirectoryd

sleep 5

echo "Adding computer account $computerid to /LDAPv3/${oddomain} on $oddomain"
dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$oddomain" -create /Computers/"$computerid" ENetAddress "$nicAddress"
dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$oddomain" -merge /Computers/"$computerid" RealName "$computerid"
# Set the GUID
GUID="$(dscl /LDAPv3/$oddomain -read /Computers/${computerid} GeneratedUID | awk '{ print $2 }')"
# Add computer to ComputerList and ComputerGroup
if [ $computerGroup != "" ]
          echo "Adding computer $computerid to OD group $computerGroup on $oddomain"
          dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$oddomain" -merge /ComputerLists/"$computerGroup" apple-computers "$computerid"
          dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$oddomain" -merge /ComputerGroups/"$computerGroup" apple-group-memberguid "${GUID}"
          dscl -u "${odAdmin}" -P "${odPassword}" /LDAPv3/"$oddomain" -merge /ComputerGroups/"$computerGroup" memberUid "$computerid"


echo "Finished OD Binding."
sleep 5 # Give DS a chance to catch up

echo ""
echo ""
echo "Performing the AD Binding"


# Activate the AD plugin
defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService "Active Directory" "Active"
plutil -convert xml1 /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService.plist

#Use the existing AD-Computername or generate a new one

if [ "$check4ADacct" == "" ]
          LEN=$(echo ${#adcomputerid})

          if [ $LEN -lt 15 ]; then
                  echo "ComputerID "$adcomputerid " has 15 characters or less and is therefore suitable for AD-Binding. It is $adcomputerid"
                  echo "ComputerID "$adcomputerid " has 16 or more characters and needs to be modified for AD-Binding."
                    echo "Removing any -"
                              LEN=$(echo ${#computeridtmp})
                              if [ $LEN -lt 15 ]; then
                                        echo "ComputerID "$computeridtmp" has now 15 characters or less and is therefore suitable for AD-Binding."
                                        echo "Only using the last 15 characters of the Computer name to be able to bind to AD."
                  echo "Cropped Computername to "$computeridtmp

    echo "Found existing AD Account previously, attempting to recreate in the OU: "$computeridtmp


echo ""

# Bind to AD
echo "Binding to AD-Domain "$domain" with computerid "$computeridtmp
dsconfigad -f -add "$domain" -username "$udn" -password "$password" -ou "$ou" -computer "$computeridtmp"

echo ""
echo "Setting the Advanced AD Plugin options"

# Configure advanced AD plugin options
if [ "$admingroups" = "" ]
          dsconfigad -nogroups
          dsconfigad -groups "$admingroups"

dsconfigad -alldomains "$alldomains"
dsconfigad -localhome "$localhome"
dsconfigad -protocol "$protocol"
dsconfigad -mobile "$mobile"
dsconfigad -mobileconfirm "$mobileconfirm"
dsconfigad -useuncpath "$useuncpath"
dsconfigad -shell "$user_shell"
dsconfigad "$preferred"
dsconfigad -packetsign "$packetsign" -packetencrypt "$packetencrypt" -passinterval "$passinterval"
dsconfigad -namespace "$namespace"

sleep 5

echo ""
echo ""

# Add the OD & AD node to the search path
if [ "$alldomains" = "enable" ]
          csp="/Active Directory/$domainname/All Domains"
          csp="/Active Directory/$domainname"

echo "Finished AD Binding."

echo "Adding Domain /LDAPv3/"$oddomain" and "$csp" to Search Path"

dscl /Search -create / SearchPolicy CSPSearchPath
dscl /Search/Contacts -create / SearchPolicy CSPSearchPath

echo "Adding OD.."
dscl /Search -append / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$oddomain"
dscl /Search/Contacts -append / CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"$oddomain"

echo "Adding AD.."
#Adding all Domains first to improve reliability under 10.7
if [ "$alldomains" != "enable" ]
    cspadall="/Active Directory/$domainname/All Domains"
    dscl /Search/Contacts -append / CSPSearchPath "$cspadall"
    dscl /Search -append / CSPSearchPath "$cspadall"
dscl /Search/Contacts -append / CSPSearchPath "$csp"
dscl /Search -append / CSPSearchPath "$csp"

echo "Finished Updating Search Paths."

echo ""
echo ""

# Restart DirectoryService (necessary to reload AD plugin activation settings)
killall opendirectoryd

# Destroy the login hook (or change it)
if [ "${newLoginHook}" == "" ]
          defaults delete /var/root/Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook
          defaults write /var/root/Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook $newLoginHook

sleep 5

# Customizing the login-Window
#defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow AdminHostInfo DSStatus
#defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow showInputMenu -bool TRUE
#defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow SHOWFULLNAME -bool TRUE

# This works in a pinch if the above code does not
#defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/SearchNodeConfig "Search Node Custom Path Array" -array "/Active Directory/All Domains"
#defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/SearchNodeConfig "Search Policy" -int 3
#plutil -convert xml1 /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/SearchNodeConfig.plist
#killall opendirectoryd

# Disable autologin
defaults delete /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow autoLoginUser
srm /etc/kcpassword
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""

echo "Now bound to OD Domain:"
dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3
echo "With Search Path entries:"
dscl /Search -read / CSPSearchPath | grep /LDAP

echo "Now bound to AD Domain:"
dscl localhost -list "/Active Directory"
echo "With Search Path entries:"
dscl /Search -read / CSPSearchPath | grep /Active

exit 0                    ## Success
exit 1                    ## Failure

Any inputs, questions and improvement suggestions are, of course, most welcome!



Posted on Aug 20, 2011 4:57 AM

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Directory Binding Script (Active and Open Directory) 10.7

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