how to delete duplicated songs all at one time?
I would like to get help deleting duplicated songs, I do not know how they got their in the first place.
Windows 7
I would like to get help deleting duplicated songs, I do not know how they got their in the first place.
Windows 7
Some how I got duplicates of my library on iTunes and to get rid of all the new duplicates I went to the library I looked for the date the new duplicate songs were added to the library then I went to columns and where you see Artist, song,
bit rate, time, etc and added 'date added' once that's done click on the box enclosing 'date added' and you will see all songs added by date. Proceed to the last one of the songs with that date press command to highlight it then scroll all the way to the first song and press 'shift' to highlight all of the songs added on that date then simply press delete.
you will be asked if you want to delete these songs...That's it.
Doesn't appear with a few albums, only when I try to run it with the full music list of over 10,000 songs.
Checking in to see if you have had the opportunity to look into the error message further?
Not yet, but I'll try tomorrow.
After posting this I continued to search and I think i need to start a new thread - wanted to delete this post but apparently I can't - only moderators can so please ignore.
Edit: nevermind! works great
Try repairing the iTunes installation from the Programs and Features control panel.
What version of Windows are you running?
What AV do you have installed?
What is the level of User Access Control?
Is your active user account an administrator?
Windows 7 Home Premium
Microsoft Security Essentials
Never Notify
Thanks for your help
Try repairing iTunes from the programs and features control panel.
DeDuper is brilliant, it has saved me an afternoon of manually deleting duplicate files. I can now do something far more interesting with my afternoon.
You're welcome. 🙂
Not yet tt2, and no problem with the delay.
Try downloading a fresh copy of the script. It has a little fix that should prevent the missing object error from occurring or skip over that pass of the loop if it does.
how to delete duplicated songs all at one time?