Mac mini 2011, restore to factory default - FAILED
MAC mini 2011 model wchih came with LION preinstalled.
Wanted to reset it back to the Factory setting as given in the document provided.
From the Mac OS X Utility
1. Erased the Hard drive as specified from the Disk Utility
2. Selected Install a new copy of Lion, which starts a download of about 3.76 GB and displays 5Hr 50Mins pending to complete.
3. After about 4 hours it complets the download and in the recovery log it says Validation token Timeout and Validation failed.....
As I have Erased the HDD to do a facory default there isn't an OS present in the Disk but my question is how should I further proceed with the installation ?
There are no good documentation from apple given for this thing !
Can someone give me some light on this or should I take it to a Apple care ? π’
PS: Tried both in Wifi and in Ethernet.....
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7), Reinstalling Lion