Wake on Demand - third party router
A good news comment....
Wake on Demand works fine if the Mac you want to wake is wired to a third party router, provided there is an Airport Extreme or Time Capsule somewhere on your LAN. This is the case even if the third party router is the DHCP server on your network.
My setup:
ISP-supplied modem/router is the DHCP server on my network, my TC is connected to it by ethernet, and the TC is in bridge mode. A Mac with ethernet to the modem/router may be woken by a laptop which is a wired or wireless client of the TC.
I've not tested Wake on Demand wirelessly i.e. where the Mac being woken is a wireless client. There is a note in this article about the TC needing to host the network if you want to do this and use WPA/WPA2. I guess "hosting the network" means being the DHCP server.
various, Mac OS X (10.6.2)