MacBook Pro remapped numeric keypad
There is a simple way to remap newer MacBook Pros keyboard so that it has num-lock with a numeric key pad.
Go to <>
There you will find a program that will remap your keyboard like older MacBooks and MacBook Pros which with num-lock enables a set of keys to serve as a numeric key pad. It's free.
Just download, install, restart your Mac and then when you hold down the Fn key and hit these the now remapped keys (see below what numbers they return) you'll have a numberic keypad.
Use this when you have the installed MacOSX calculator application up and running and you're back in business just like if you had a keypad.
BTW the hyphen (to the right of the 0-zero) is made to map to the equal key and completes the calculation when you're inputting into the Calculator application. And forward slash-/ is now plus-+ (not . / as below) Period is mapped to decimal.
You can also set the F6 function key to toggle this mapping on or off. That way you dont' have to hold down the Fn key while also hitting the mapped numeric keypad keys. You set the new mapped keys by going to System Preferences and in the bottom Other section you'll find the icon for Keyremap4macbook icon. Click on that and all the options come up. Find the F6 to toggle "Virtual num-lock" option and check the box. It's under the
Change F1-F19 Key and Functional Key option and several levels down nested within that option
You can also remap any key on the keyboard and change sets of keys with one simple checkbox.
Hope this helps those of you who have been looking.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)