@ Elliot, well the iPod works fine, it just isn't acknowledged by the computer and I get an error that isn't mentioned in the Apple troubleshooting section, so I have to assume that it's been weeded out. I've used Apple products since 1990, I've spent a lot of money on software due to upgrades that weed out other versions, sometimes too quickly. I was told that it wouldn't last forever, so I guess I buy a new one. Is there an iPod classic model that's better than most, without spinning parts? I have 30 GB on this one and that seems like plenty, but I erased a lot of the CDs that I copied onto my computer after I copied the music to my iPod--wasn't thinking, I guess. We won this iPod, so it's been great but I think the prices are a bit high for something that breaks after a few years and there should be something between the Nano and the iPod with five times the memory. I back everything up, but worry about the day the back up drive keels over. I'll try to restore it on another computer, but it's most likely time for a new one if these don't usually last as long as I've had mine.
@ jk_baller23 YES, I spent two hours or so trying everything. But I see the messages in past forums are from 2008, so I guess I am supposed to be happy that it didn't do this one or two years after we got it.
Thanks for your help.