Font "Myriad Pro" Not Showing On PC
It is showing on my mac, but not on my PC? Dose this mean it dose not show on any people who view my site with PC? Text on show the font but my website no. Please Help!!
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
It is showing on my mac, but not on my PC? Dose this mean it dose not show on any people who view my site with PC? Text on show the font but my website no. Please Help!!
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
PC's have different fonts to Mac's so this is why you need to choose web safe fonts so that they can be viewed. If a PC does not have the font you have used, it will use the next nearest.
If you want it to display, then use something like Arial, Helvetica Times New Roman etc., which are all web safe. Unfortunately, there is not a lot that you can do - you cannot control what fonts a PC has.
PC's have different fonts to Mac's so this is why you need to choose web safe fonts so that they can be viewed. If a PC does not have the font you have used, it will use the next nearest.
If you want it to display, then use something like Arial, Helvetica Times New Roman etc., which are all web safe. Unfortunately, there is not a lot that you can do - you cannot control what fonts a PC has.
With drag and drop web design software like iWeb its not possible to specify alternative fonts so its best to use a web safe one.
Web-safe fonts are discussed here...
You can convert fonts to an image to overcome this but its not a good idea since it will cause your page to download very slowly in the browser and the search engines won't be able to read the text and index your site properly.
Font "Myriad Pro" Not Showing On PC