I presume, since the last post was in 2013, that people have either resolved this or have given up. I have had this problem multiple times over the years and each time I have searched for a solution and ended up reading many of the posts here with no luck. However, I have found my own fix which I just succeeded and have actually used before...
Turn off the syncing of everything apart from your Apps. Something, somewhere is causing the glitch and it is probably not an app. Run a sync and if it works, then proceed to the next step. Now, turn on photos syncing and run a sync. If it worked, turn on Books, if that works keep turning stuff on until you have a problem.
Lets say the problem was in photos. Turn photos syncing off again and make sure a sync will still work. You could try syncing everything else apart from photos and see if syncing works without photos. If it does, it's a photo screwing things up. Then sync half your albums. If that doesn't work, sync the other half. If that works then you know the problem photo(s) are in the first half of your albums. Keep going until you narrow it down. Remember that some of your photos may be in more than one album.
If it's not the photos that's screwing things up then follow the same procedure for the other media categories. This time round, for me, it was an audiobook that was responsible. I had turned everything off apart from audiobooks and then finally turned them off too and everything synced fine. I have found the audiobook culprit and stopped syncing it and everything else has now synced normally.
Hope this helps...