Hi all,
I bought my wife an iPad 3, and got her iPad 1. I was not particularly interested in it, but thought it could be good for photos. Then I decided it would be awesome for photos!
Until i discovered that i could not get them in proper order. I tried removing exif data, renaming photos 1, 2, etc, but nothing worked.
When putting these photos onto a website, they showed in the same messed up order they did on the iPad, but fortunately this time i saw the reason. What number comes after 1? I would have thought 2, but if you're apple, the answer is 10. and so on to 19, then comes 2.
Renaming aa, ab, etc worked, and now my photos are in order.
This probably won't help those with 1000's of photos, but may be of use to some out there.
I love my ipad now 🙂