Hi all,
I can see that I'm not alone with a slow 3GS phone.
I have now tested and tried to find a thread to my iPhone behavior.....
But I can't. It's in random when lagging and slow behavior occurs.
It's seems that when you restart the iPhone it's some quick, not like before update.
After a while using some apps it's start to be slower and slower.
Yesterday I used the phone very much and became very slow...
Suddenly the phone restart by it self.. Never happend before..
This behavior I saw from MS windows before. :)
Maybe apple hired some Microsoft people.
I had to laugh some here.
Maybe there is a memory handling problem In iOS 5??
Sometime you can get a memory leakage when writing software.
Maybe in this case, just a thought.
We have two iPhone 3GS and one with earlier iOS and with new iOS 5
Before they worked like a charm, now one still like a charm and one with a awful behavior.
I'm sure they will fix this in time, but I don't now if they follow this discussion here.
I can't see any feedback from them.
Keep writing and if someone find a solution plz tell.