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Battery drain with iOS 5 on iPhone 4

Is anyone else seeing an issue with terrible battery drain after installing iOS 5 on iphone 4? I've read through a plethora of "possible fixes" on the net, but nothing seems to work. Full charge was completed last night at 0100 and now it's at 25%! I could easily go the whole day with "normal" usage prior to the iOS upgrade. Thoughts?

iPhone 4, iOS 5

Posted on Oct 15, 2011 10:22 AM

147 replies

Oct 15, 2011 10:29 AM in response to JWDABEARS

I am having a similar issue, my battery life is terrible after the upgrade to iOS5. Even with very minor use (a couple of emails & twitter) the battery will not last the whole day. I have also found that my iPhone 4 gets a lot hotter when using apps then it EVER has before. Hopefully they release an update soon that addresses battery and heat issues.

Oct 15, 2011 10:30 AM in response to JWDABEARS


I can't say that's have noticed a difference in performance.

Having said that pushing things to devices does drain battery and with everything from iCloud being pushed it would make a slight difference.

I guess the basic things to check would be

Location services

Screen Brightness

Wifi sync/iCloud back ups (ie how often)

Highly unlikely but could be a memory leak/bug in an app?

Or just a coincidence and your battery is failing.

Perhaps your just playing with it more at the moment.

Hope this helps

Oct 15, 2011 10:53 AM in response to JWDABEARS

I have also noticed what appears to be decreased battery life after the upgrade, though not this bad. Seems many people are noticing problems.

I noticed and changed a couple of settings that seem to have helped.

- first, fully shut off the phone and then turn it back on - i read online this helped some, immediately after the update.

- in mail settings, for the icloud account (I dont use this but it was configured by default) check the sync settings . it defaults to push, which takes more power. you might want to disable push and set to fetch for this and any other accounts you have, for additional power savings

- in settings, location services, scroll to the bottom and tap system services : All of them are defaulted to on. I turned off location-based iads and setting time zone since i dont need those. (I also opted out of the diagnostics and usage as part of the setup, but it was set to on in this screen - i left it on for the time)

- also in settings -- location settings: check the list of apps and verify that only the ones you want, are enabled

These few settings seem to have improved things

Oct 16, 2011 5:12 AM in response to JWDABEARS

Me too. Full day from battery before the upgrade, 2 hrs battery after the upgrade. Phone is really hot all the time (or is that just the new pocket warmer feature :S) but seriously, I have all the sync and push/pull settings switched off and still no good. I love apple because things just work but not this time. IOS5 has killed it and I am not impressed. d:o|-</

Oct 16, 2011 6:05 AM in response to popkick

I'd kill all the apps running, shut down the phone, and after restart I'd leave it unused for an hour or so to see how the battery life is. If it's still draining fast, I'd restore the software, and check again without restoring any old stuff. If it is not draining, then you'll have to find the misbehaving app(s), and get rid of it until it's updated.

My phone the first night went from 66% to 33%. After a few shutdowns, it went back to normal...from 88% to 82% overnight.

Overall, the 4s goes through battery quite faster than tne 4, and that's normal with two processors, better graphics, etc.

Oct 16, 2011 9:07 AM in response to JWDABEARS

I'm having the same problem. Turned all the location stuff off, and no help. I also completely restored the iphone firmware and then restored the backup. Same problem.

I did download the iStat application, and it shows some "ReportCrash" and "dataaccesd" programs opening and closing every few seconds. So apparently there is a program that wont stay open so it keeps opening. Which seems to me like the problem.

Oct 17, 2011 1:51 PM in response to blairfromwest hollywood

I've noticed a dramatic imporvement after restoring my phone to iOS5 again, and NOT recovering from the old iOS4 backup. I lost the text messages, settings, and icon layout, but thats about it.

I dont know if it's as good as iOS4 yet, but bettery life is much better after the restore.

I did it at the apple store. I dont know if they did something secret to do the firmware too, but they said they did something special to do more than just a restore. Who knows.

Oct 18, 2011 9:46 AM in response to JWDABEARS

Here is a quick rundown of my average daily use.

Full charge at night while I sleep, then never plugged in during the day unless it needs it.

Quick on/off to check the time: 20 times a day.

Receive 5 Facebook push a day while on 3G

Receive 10 Facebook push a day while on Wifi

Upload 1 photo a day to Facebook while on 3G

3 to 4 photos taken a day with HDR enabled.

0 voice calls (lol, i use like 1 minute a month, for real)

20 received sms

25 sent sms

1 tweet a day sent

1 email account fetching every 15 minutes 16 hours of the day while on WiFi rest of the time on 3G.

1 hours of Pandora (high quality) on 3G, using bottom plug line out (docked in my car, not charging)

1 hour of iPod listening, using bottom plug line out (docked in my car, not charging).

1 hour of Amazon Kindle reading

WiFi sync disabled. (on iOS5)

no calendar events

no reminders

alarm clock wakes me at 8:30am every morning set for repeating mon-fri

Last week while I was still on iOS 4.3.1: ~30 hours for a full discharge.

This week after installing iOS 5: 7 hours until a full discharge.

Anyone have any suggestions...

[edit] 100% serious here, i can literally watch the battery get sucked out while i am using it. its like im in a shadowrealm. (probably a lost joke unless you read the secrets of nicholas flamel series) so i use it for as short as possible just because i cannot bear to watch.

Battery drain with iOS 5 on iPhone 4

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