Imac Error Message 4SNS/1/40000000:TH00-9.000
I have an Inter Imac 3.06 I3 and just upgraded the harddrive from a 500gb to a 3tb Western Didgital Cavalier green.
As far as I can see, everything was put back correclty (not much to move when installing anyway) but ever since I put it all back, used time machine to get it back to the way I wanted (of sorts) after about 10-30 mins the Mac fan kicks in. Never did that before. Now this never happened before and the drive runs quiet and you cannot feel it over heating.
I ran the Apple Hardware test and it came up with 4SNS/1/40000000:THOO-9.000
As far as I can see, this and every other code seems to relate to the imac fan switching on when ever it wants.
any ideas on how I can rectify this issue without have to revert back to the old hard drive?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1), Mid 2010 - aluminum Model - Intel