Google Calendar Delegates in iCal Not Syncing
Hello Everyone.
I've been stumped on my issue for some time and have been researching but found nothing.
OSX: 10.6.8
iCal: 4.0.4
My boss uses google calendar. I'm his assistant and he's shared that calendar with me so that I have access to it through my google account and I can add and delete events.
I like using iCal. So I synced my iCal up with my google Calendar. I used the calDAV method of syncing. I can add and delete events to my calendar just fine. I was able to add and delete events to my boss' calendar by creating a delegate calendar through iCal. Everything worked fine. However my boss added another calendar to his google account. I didn't think this would have any effect on my ability to edit events as I simply set up my boss' new calendar as another delegate in iCal.
The problem now is that I cannot get either of my delegate accounts to sync.
I deleted my calDAV and started from scratch in iCal. I added my googole account and delegates. Everything works fine. All of my boss' events load into my iCal but as soon I I try to edit one of them my delegate will no longer sync.
It seems like this should work and be easy but I cannot find a solution to keep my delegates syncing.
Does anyone have any ideas?
I also have a mobileMe calDAV that syncs just fine with iCal.