Apple ID - security breach?
For over a week now I have been attmepting to establish the iCloud account for my new iPhone. However, I continue to run into problems with access. According to the Apple site, there is already an account established with MY email address ( I have been able to log in to the account, but it asks for me to verify the ID, and when the email to do so is sent - it doesn't come to my email address.
The account has my last name but another first name. I don't know why someone else would use my email address, only I have access to it. But I want to establish ONE account for me with MY email address. The assistance I have been getting via email from the (wonderful Indian) advisors online has just pushed me around in circles with no results. Can someone please offer advice? How do I get my email address on my Apple ID?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
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iPhone 4, iOS 5, 4S - Verizon