How can I change the alarm clock sound on my iPhone
I can't figure out how to change the alarm sound on the Alarm Clock in my iPhone? Anybody got an idea for me?
I can't figure out how to change the alarm sound on the Alarm Clock in my iPhone? Anybody got an idea for me?
Go into the clock app, go to Alarm, tap "Edit" in the top left, select your alarm, and change the sound.
Go into the clock app, go to Alarm, tap "Edit" in the top left, select your alarm, and change the sound.
Meg do you use it( alarmed) to wake you everytime i make a post?
You have some 22000+ posts to your credit? How is that even possible?
So this is -your life?
Meg ***** U.S.
Re: How can I change the alarm clock sound on my iPhone
Aug 26, 2012 7:44 AM (in response to Philip Ayers)
What's wrong with you? Oh, now that you realized you made a mistake and I didn't say "Alarming"? The app tited "Alarmed" is the first thing that pops up if you search the App Store using the search term "Alarmed". It is also the name of the app as it appears on the screen of my phone. Oh, and the developer refers to it as "Alarmed" on his website.It may not have occured to you but, it is possible for more than one app to have the same name. Most of the people here are smart enough to figure out which one is the alarm clock by reading the descrip
<Personal Information Edited by Host>
When you create a new alarm, you get a set of options. The second option is Sounds. Tap on Sounds. You can select from the built in sounds or tap the Buy More Tunes button.
I prefer the more full featured app, Alarmed, in part, because of the variety of tones.
Oh, grow up already.
Submit your feedback directly to Apple using the appropriate link on the Feedback page:
Yeah Apple let's you buy another alarm..what a load!!! Why not allow owners to select a song from their music?? Because freakn apple is one greedy miser of a company. Been buying apple exclusively since 1990--- but am feed up with this BS. Reminds me more and more of Microsoft, worse actually!
Meg you live on this do you? Thanks for the advice dear, but already grown up. You sound like youre fat and happy? Good luck with that. In the mean time do you recommend jail breaking the device to get more functionality or should I just be a good boy and go ask ask mr apple nicely to do what should already be done?
If I'm the troll, what does that make you?
Why bother replying if you dont have an answer except to name call. Im sure Apple needs you for that?
Referring back to my original post to the person who recommended Alarming..actually has other words in its title, --Alarming-isnt an alarm app. However i did download the ecommended Alarming bla bla and guess what? It didnt alarm!
What's wrong with you? Oh, now that you realized you made a mistake and I didn't say "Alarming"? The app tited "Alarmed" is the first thing that pops up if you search the App Store using the search term "Alarmed". It is also the name of the app as it appears on the screen of my phone. Oh, and the developer refers to it as "Alarmed" on his website.It may not have occured to you but, it is possible for more than one app to have the same name. Most of the people here are smart enough to figure out which one is the alarm clock by reading the description. But, we've already covered the reading comprehension thing,
Wow. You certainly know how to vent. an apple fan boy or do they actually pay you min wage to spew this vitriol.
Many of us still find it aggravating that selecting your own music isnt a feature yet of the iphone clock. As for the app you suggest, "Alarming~Reminders..." as the app is correctly title -two problems, 1. your phone must stay awake to work.. So if you arent plugged in it will drain your battery. 2. It failed to alarm this morning until i woke my phone!
Uh oh.. Apple spell checker in error auto misspelled "Alarming" instead of "Alarmed". Sorry but another aggravating feature of the iphone.. But for another conversation..crappy spell checker auto correct. Typing on an iphone is **** especially in heavy NYC traffic. Siri?
I finally figured out how to change the
Sound on my alarm clock I phone 5. After
I set the alarm, then pressed the EDIT button.
Then pressed the arrowhead on the right
Side. That gave me the sound choices.
Children, children. Especially Meg. He asked an honest question and you came back with a definite attitude.
Anyway, If you use a 3rd party app for your alarm then you cannot access it Siri. I use Siri to set me alarms and reminders which makes it easier than finding yet ANOTHER app to do what the iPhone already does.
The process for changing the tone was already described in this thread however not the process for making new tones and sounds. I've been using this for a couple of years and, while tedious, it does work. mail-topstories#_
Now kiss and make up.
Yeah Apple let's you buy another alarm..what a load!!! Why not allow owners to select a song from their music?? Because freakn apple is one greedy miser of a company. Been buying apple exclusively since 1990--- but am feed up with this BS. Reminds me more and more of Microsoft, worse actually!
That was your idea of an honest question? But, even if it is, the conversation you're so condescendingly taking me to task for was over two years ago. I let it go that long ago. Perhaps it's time for you to do the same.
The beauty (and curse) of the internet is that what you say is around forever. So you have to live with them, even two (or ten or twenty) years later. Unless that is you've matured since then and want to recant.
I came here looking for an answer on how to modify my alarm sounds and found this bickering. How is that productive? It didn't, and still doesn't, add to the conversation.
I was able to ask Siri & she sent me to your question & answer & I was able to accomplish what I needed. Thanks for putting it out there so I could find it later & use it to solve my problem!
How can I change the alarm clock sound on my iPhone