This is the information I received from Wacom:
First, disconnect the tablet from the computer and remove the driver using the Wacom Utility. After removing the driver with the utility, you can manually check to see if anything is left behind in the following folders. So while in our desktop we want to click on ‘Go’ (upper left corner), then on ‘Computer’. Once inside, please access your main hard drive (by default should be named Macintosh HD). Once we’re here anything that’s related to Wacom, would need to be removed from the folders. The same will have to be checked in any respective User’s folder on the system. On OS X 10.7 Lion or later, the User Library folder has been hidden. To access it, you must select 'Go' from the top of Finder and select 'Go to folder...’. Here, enter ' ~/Library ' to access the current user's Library folder. Please check for Wacom related files and remove them from inside the next folders:
- Applications/Wacom Tablet
- Library/Application Support/Tablet
- Library/Frameworks/WacomMultiTouch.framework
- Library/Internet Plugins/WacomTabletPlugin.plugin
- Library/Launch Agents/com.wacom.wacomtablet.plist
- Library/LaunchDaemons/com.wacom.displayhelper.plist
- Library/LaunchDaemons/com.wacom.RemoveTabletHelpter.plist
- Library/LaunchDaemons/com.wacom.TabletHelper.plist
- Library/PreferencePanes/WacomTablet.prefpane
- Library/Preferences/Tablet
- Library/PriveledgedHelperTools/com.wacom.RemoveTabletHelper
- Library/PriveledgedHelperTools/com.wacom.TabletHelper
- Users//Library/Preferences/com.wacom.ProfessionalTablet.plist
- Users//Library/Preferences/com.wacom.wacomtablet.prefs
- Users//Library/Preferences/com.wacom.wacomtouch.prefs
After this is complete then there should not be any leftover files of a previous Wacom driver file. A restart and a repair of your disk permissions would be important steps before installing a driver. Again, make sure that the tablet is plugged directly into the computer, not into a USB hub or keyboard/monitor.Next, please proceed with the driver installation:A restart will be required after installing the driver, please make sure to close and save all your work before following these instructions.
As always, make sure your tablet is connected directly to your computer. Avoid using USB hubs, keyboard/monitor ports, or docking stations with the tablets, as they can cause inconsistent behavior.