Cannot connect to work ftp server from mac
The exact problem is a bit strange. I can "connect" to the server ok, in that it accepts my user name and password and logs me is when it is trying to get a list of files from the server that I get errors.
The server specifically needs Active (PORT) mode and NOT PASSIVE! That much I have found out. I have tried to make sure ftp is allowed in my firewall etc (Tiger built in firewall) but with no avail.
I can publish to my .mac fine...beautifully...but not this normal ftp server. I don't know why Windows can connect and get a list of files fine, but Mac cannot. It connects and then gives errors, not giving me the file list.
I include exactly what cuteFTP has done (I omit the IP addresses and username etc):
Connection attempt #1:
Looking up www. *WEBSITE*...
Connecting to www. *WEBSITE* ( Port 21...
Connection established.
220 www-01 Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).
331 Password required for *USERNAME*.
PASS ••••••••
230 User *USERNAME* logged in.
257 "/ *DIRECTORY*" is current directory.
200 Type set to A.
PORT xxx,xxx,x,x,xxx,xx
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
425 Can't open data connection
It is always when it gets to the LIST stage, but these exact same details put into Windows will make it work straight away.
Have I got some sort of security/blocking issue on my mac? I have been previously using .mac and not this server from my mac.
I use RapidWeaver to design my website but that cannot connect either. I have to export and upload it using smartFTP on Windows.
Any help would be appreciated, it's driving me crazy!!
Best Regards
Andy Shaw
12" PowerBook 1.5GHz, Mac OS X (10.4.3)