MPEG IMX 625/50 (50mb) Compression for Broadcast TV. After compressing the video per specs for network. Visible scan lines appear in 3 clips.
Hello Community and thank you for your time.
I need to send a compressed video to MTV.
They are requesting video specs
Video specs:
Format: Quicktime .MOV
Codec: MPEG IMX 625/50
Bit Rate: 50 Mbps
Frame size: 720x512
Field Order: Upper/Top First
Frame Rate: 29.97 drop frame
Audio: 16 bit / 48KHz uncompressed, 4 channel
I am using compressor and am getting visible lines on a couple of clips. After figuring out the correct settings, I exported the video file and no visible lines. I had to re-edit a minor mistake on the actual video and than re-compressed to the above mentioned codec again and im now getting visible lines on 2 or 4 clips. Why is it doing that and how can I fix it when compressing?
It seems hit or miss because some of my test compressions don't have visible scan lines and somtimes they do.
What is the best compression settings in Final Cut Compressor for these specs?
Format: Quicktime .MOV
Codec: MPEG IMX 625/50
Bit Rate: 50 Mbps
Frame size: 720x512
Field Order: Upper/Top First
Frame Rate: 29.97 drop frame
Audio: 16 bit / 48KHz uncompressed, 4 channel
Final Cut Pro 6, Mac OS X (10.5.8)