how do I create a line break in an axis label
I have a very long x-axis label that needs some line breaks. I've tried every key combination I can think of to no avail. Does anyone know how?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.4)
I have a very long x-axis label that needs some line breaks. I've tried every key combination I can think of to no avail. Does anyone know how?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.4)
Numbers is quite literal in graphing value pairs. Breaking either axis of a scatter graph (the only supported type where both axes are "value" axes) is not supported.
In a "line graph", the x-axis is a "category" axis, and the categories are equally spaced. If your data can be accurately displayed using equal spacing on the x-axis, cold use this type of graph, leaving the y value cells empty where you want breaks, and using graphics objects placed in front of the axis to create the breaks.
One possible way to create the breaks using a connected scatter chart would be to graph each group of data on a separate chart. Use the Inspector to choose which elements to display for each graph, and to set matching x and y axis scales for each.
There are a few ways to get line breaks.
First way: Go to the Chart Inspector, Axis tab. At the bottom it will either have references to the header cells it is using for labels or it will have a list of the labels. If it has references, use the second or third method. If it has text, go to the label you want to modify. Use Option-Return to put a line break in it.
Second way: This works when best before you create a chart and might work afterward if the chart is still refering to the header column and hasn't converted the labels to text. Use option-Return to create line breaks in the header cells of your table. In the screenshot below, the first label has no line breaks, the second has one, and the third has none but is simply wrapping to the next line in the cell.
Third way: If the chart inspector has references to the labels, go to the chart (not the table) and edit one of the labels. The inspector will now show text instead of references. Use the first method to add your line breaks.
Wow, did I ever misread that question! 😕
Slinking off to find my wet noodle now...
how do I create a line break in an axis label