Iphone 4s - display white spots
I know how this sound, bla bla bla , i paid 450 $ and a 24 month contract whith an equivalent 35 $ / month, money.
My first iphone 4S 16 GB had dust under the glass, i send it back, now the second have some white/burn spots that can be seen only with white backround
(try browsing the internet).
Its not huge, but now i watch only the spots (its not backlight bleedeng, i can see it clearly, now that i know where they are, in day light in regular usage.
Frustrated for my luck or for my good eyes ,i send-it back right away, now after 9 days i recevit back, not fixed/swap, whit the mention that its without problems.
Even in direct sun, the spots are there, i know what is backlight bleding, its not the case here.
The defect can be seen best from an arm distance 40 cm , and its geting worse at 50cm.
Sory for the english, i'm from Romania.