How do I import my outlook contacts to my iPad
How do I import my PC Outlook contacts into my iPad contacts? Is it possible?
iPad, iOS 5.0.1
How do I import my PC Outlook contacts into my iPad contacts? Is it possible?
iPad, iOS 5.0.1
To sync contacts with your computer, choose "Sync Contacts with" within iTunes for Windows, or "Sync Address Book Contacts" on your Mac.
You can sync your contacts with:
Copied from here.....
That is nice, but there is no Itune icon on my Ipad 3.
Very possible. Hook your iPad up to your computer and open iTunes. Select the device and open the 'info' tab. You may need to scroll down but you'll see a check box to sync contacts with outlook. Click it and sync and your contacts should be on your iPad.
A very much more tedious way is to e-mail the contacts, one at a time and open the mails on your iPad. But the first option will keep your contacts sync'd between your PC and device.
Hi Timothy,
That you need to know how to import outlook contacts to iPAD at less time??
I found a solution for Google. As one of the best program that can safely import batch or bulk outlook contacts to ipad, iphone, blackberry, android etc with every information at much time.
Thanks, I got it done.
Do you have a Mac or a PC because I cannot, for the life of me, get my boss' to sync!
I recently used a standalone app to transfer contacts from Outlook to my iPhone. It should also work for the iPad.
How do I import my outlook contacts to my iPad