Websites being redirected to
I am having a problem as of yesterday. A lot of the websites I have been trying to visit have been redirected to I am running Chrome on a 15" MacBook Pro with Lion. the sites that are being redirected are very random, but they consistently redirect. For example, always loads fine, but trying to click on a link within from redirects to
It doesn't matter whether I access the sites through a search engine or directly on the google omnibox, the sites are always redirected before completely loaded. It is also consistent on other browsers (Safari and Firefox). I have cleared all caches, cookies, extensions, deleted extra search engines, etc, and I have tried using other DNS addresses provided by OpenDNS. None of those things worked.
I thought it might be a problem with my ISP. I am living in Jordan for work, so who knows what kind of potentially shady goings-on are happening, but I asked a friend using the same ISP and DNS addresses to check the sites I was having trouble with, and they loaded fine for him.
I have used ClamXav and MacScan 2, and no problems were reported. I reset my router to factory settings, and I am still having the same trouble. All of the devices we use on the local network are also being redirected. My wife's macbook, my iPhone, and our iPad are all being affected.
I am using a Wimax router through a 3.5G HSPA connection with an airport Extreme attached via ethernet to extend the signal. I tried to connect to the Wimax router directly and still had the same issue. I tried logging in as a guest, using Safari, and was redirected as well. Not sure what to do next.
Any counsel would be thoroughly appreciated.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)