Converting Word 5.1 files with Applescript
As Microsoft office 2011 currently no longer support Word 5.1 I'm using the previous Office 2004. I can read 5.1 files and saved themmanually as .doc files on Snow Leopard.
However the files are many and I have this script
set inputfolder to (choose folder) as text
set destFolder to (choose folder) as text
set theFiles to list folderinputfolder without invisibles
activateapplication "Word"
repeat with x from 1 to count of theFiles
set thefile to itemx of theFiles
set inputfile to (inputfolder & thefile)
tell application "Word"
save document 1 in (destFolder & thefile & ".doc")
closedocument 1 savingno
end tell
end repeat
Trying to open the files I need to convert and save them in a different folder.
However I always get an error from AppleScript Version 2.3 (118)
error "Microsoft Word got an error: document \"Disk:Word_Files:a: New Files:General Stuff:conv\" doesn’t understand the open message." number -1708 from document "Disk:Word_Files:a: New Files:General Stuff:conv"
If anyone can help or give another solution to batch convert I will be very glad and happy new Year to all
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)