Magic Bullet Looks not working
Hey everyone,
I know many of you use Magic Bullet Looks so hopefully there is a solution to my problem.
I just got MBL 2.0 and am having serious trouble getting it to work properly.
I apply the effect to a clip in FCP7 and enter the MBL interface.. but when i drop in an exposure and change the value, nothing happens. Similarly many other control values do absolutely nothing to effect the image. If i go into the presets and select one, the image changes to what the preset represents, but changing the controls (for the most part) does not alter the image at all, and if it does, it turns it into a completely disgusting result that was not intended.
And then, sometimes even if i just leave it at the preset, i hit finished, and instead of the nice result the preset gave in the working window, the image in final cut is disgustingly not what i had intended.
Here are some screenshots.
In these screenshots, notice that the exposure in the first image is -16, and the exposure in the second image is +16, yet there is no difference in the image.
Something is very wrong here and it is frustrating me. I tried trashing preferences, fixing permisions, reinstalling Magic Bullet Suite, restarting computer. Nothing works.
Does anyone know what could be going on here? Suggestions would be welcome!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), 2.53 ghz core 2 duo 500gb 8 gb ram