Possible to import BOTH Raw file and Adjustments/Edits from IPhoto?
SUMMARY: I only shoot RAW and have been editing/adjusting pictures in IPhoto. Importing pictures from IPhoto to Aperture seems to generate two images: the "IPhoto Original" (Raw file with no adjustment) and the "IPhoto Edited" (what seems to be a jpeg which "processed:" with the IPhoto edits). What I am really after is a single version based on the RAW file (as Master) with IPhoto adjustments applied to it in Aperture.
I have recently purchased Aperture (3.2) after having used IPhoto for a while and gathered 10k+ pics, I have started playing with Aperture and like what I saw (except the very frequent crashes or rather hangs it seems to generate... - I am running a library from an FW800 external drive).
I have been doing some tests importing from IPhoto (using the IPhoto browser - I want to be sure I know what I am doing before importing the whole library) and I cannot see a way to import photos in the way I would like (and which seems to make sense to me).
Here are the scenarios I have tested:
1) Import a RAW file directly into Aperture (no IPhoto interaction). I can then edit the picture in Aperture which creates a version based on the Raw master. Importantly, if I don't like my edits later I can go back to that adjusted version and simply reverse some of the adjustments and/or alter them, add new ones.
I could also do a "New Version from Master" so that I have a new blank canvas to work with from the raw file and make better adjustments.
So far so good, non-destructive editing as we like it...
2) Import an image from IPhoto. Two versions get created in Aperture: an "IPhoto Original" which is the Raw file with no adjustments applied to it and an "IPhoto Edited" which is a jpeg that contains the IPhoto edits. Problem is that neither image gives me an adjusted version based on the raw master file. Instead of importing the raw file from IPhoto and then re-apply the same adjustments made in IPhoto, Aperture seems to import an already-adjusted jpeg image (on top of the raw file).
I could decide to keep both versions: raw and IPhoto edited jpegs... But The majority of my pics in IPhoto is un-adjusted (70% maybe). For those, there is no point at all in keeping the "IPhoto Edited" because this is seemingly just a jpeg version of the raw file with no "added value" (as opposed to the pics that I have painstakingly edited in IPhoto and for which I would like to keep these adjustments as well as the raw file).
The issue of image rotation muddles the line between those pictures edited in IPhoto and those that are not: if I only rotate an image in IPhoto, I readon'tlly want to have to import/keep an un-rotated raw version and a rotated jpeg version of it.
Am I missing something obvious in some settings somewhere or is what I am after impossible to do?
In which case, I'd need to identify an "migration" workflow that would allow me to only keep those images in duplicate versions when they have "genuine" adjustments in IPhoto but there does not seem to be a way in IPhoto to create groupings/smart albums of photos with/without adjustments?
I am open to any suggestion as I am a bit at a loss right now (and a bit disappointed as I thought the migration would pretty seamless).
PS: I hope I got the terminology right with regards to versions/masters, etc.
Technical details (some might be relevant for the many crashes I have had?):
- MacBook Pro 2.53GHz i5
- Snow Leopard 10.6.8
- 8GB RAM (Crucial)
- Internal Apple SSD (locaion IPhoto library) and external 7200 rpm FW800 500GB HDD
- IPhoto 9.2.1
- Aperture 3.2.2
Aperture 3, Mac OS X (10.6.8)