dv pal?
I'm completely new to Compressor and am running into some problems:
I have footage shot on an AV-HCD camera. It's shot at 1280 x 720 and I want to edit it in Final Cut Express as a DV-PAL file. Prior to buying compressor I would use QT Pro 7 to perform my conversions and this worked well.
Since upgrading to Compressor though I'm having problems with my conversions, the audio does not translate into FCE (for want of a better word) and I need to render my audio for every clip. Secondly, Compressor is applying a rather enormous banding box around my transcoded footage (I have a huge black border around my clips in the FCE viewer slug).
To perform the transcode I'm using the following settings:
1. Quicktime Animation
2. Video settings set to DV-PAL
3. Audio set to Linear PCM
4. Geometry set to 16x9
5. Padding set to Preserve source aspect ratio.
Could any kind soul tell me where I'm going wrong please?
Thanks in advance.
iMac 27" i5., Mac OS X (10.6.2)