[Urgent] iPad "bleeding" on screen edge (Help!) [Urgent]
Thank you for visiting my thread.
I have purchased this iPad 2 roughly 4-6 months ago last year, around September or November (memory is a little shabby from that "long" ago...).
Today, I have just noticed when I look at the top of my iPad [2] screen at a certain angle, there is this light showing.
No, I haven't dropped it recently, or at all.
I just noticed it today, but I'm pretty sure it was there before, just ignored.
I have bought this iPad 2 32 GB Wifi only model at Bestbuy.
Hopefully, you guys can help..
I'm really cautious about this, because I hope it doesn't turn into yellowing of the screen, or even worse, having it bleed and show a grayish spot in that area.
The place where the light is showing from is around the status bar, exactly (almost..) above the "iPad"/Carrier.
I really need help.
The nearest Apple store is 2 hours away from me, and the nearest Best Buy is about 15 minutes.
I understand that they don't switch out iPads at Best Buy for me now, because it was past a month for their "warrenty".
Please tell me what to do, take it there and have them send it to the factory to get it fixed (And/Or send a new one back..) or just ignore it.
Please give me some advice, wether I ignore the issue, or just take it to Best Buy and have them send it to the Apple factory for a fix.
I will show a few links below of the picture I have tooken. (If they are taken down, please just email me to see them, I don't really know the rules in which you can't link or you can... Thanks.)
(If removed, I apologize. I don't know the rules for linking pictures.)
iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1, Light, Leak, Status Bar, Weird