tdowling wrote:
No, don't delete the's normal that they're there. You just need to delete the "downloads.28.sqlitedb" file to fix the problem.
Dave_Beaudoin wrote:
I too have the same problem and I've loaded Diskaid and went to the download directory and deleted the downloads.28.sqlitedb file which was 320k and now is 80k. The one thing I do see that I find strange is there are over 100 folders with numbers as names in the same Download directory and I have no idea if I should delete these folders or not.
is anyone else seeing lots of folders with numbers
@tdowling: The folders in the Downloads folder are normal only if you are currently downloading or updating apps. If you are not downloading/updating apps, there should not be any folders in the Downloads folder.
The strange folders (folder names are numbers) are temporary data used by iOS to keep track of downloads/updates that are in progress. After the download/update has run it's course, those folders are deleted.
I currently only have two files in the Downloads folder. The Manifest file and the sqlitedb file. To make sure I understood what was going on in the Downloads folder, after I initiated an update on my iPhone, I went into iFile (My iPhone is currently jailbroken and iFile is an app you can get through Cydia that lets you access the folders in your iDevice) and looked in the Downloads folder.
Sure enough, a new temporary folder appeared (seemably random numbers for a name) with a couple of files inside it. The folder stuck around while the update was taking place. After the update finished, the folder was removed and I was left with the Downloads folder containing those same two files.
The folders being left behind in the Downloads folder is caused by the SQLITEDB file being corrupted. iOS doesn't know it needs to remove the folders after updates since the DB file can't tell iOS what the name of the folder is associated with the download/update that just finished.
Several people have deleted these folders with no problems showing up afterword. So long as they make sure that they are not downloading or updating apps before they delete the folders. I myself have been running perfectly ever since I deleted the SQLITEDB and all the folders in the Downloads folder.