.wav files
In Adobe Bridge, .wav files are displayed in the film strip and can be played. Is there a way in Aperture to display and play wave files? The wave files are added by the camera to aid in identification.
In Adobe Bridge, .wav files are displayed in the film strip and can be played. Is there a way in Aperture to display and play wave files? The wave files are added by the camera to aid in identification.
Thank you for your response. For some reason the .wav files are not showing up. Do I have something not set correctly? I am creating the .wav files with my Mark IV camera and in Bridge they show correctly.
I don't know for sure; I have a different camera and do not use Adobe Bridge, but check your "Import Settings": In the "File Types" brick, you specify which kinds of media you want to import. Maybe you have disabled the import of audio files and audio attachments.
Just as a test I pointed the Aperture import window to some audio files on the HD and they should up and imported OK.
Then I changed the RAW+JPG pairs setting from Both (RAW as master) to just RAW. The files did not show in the import window. Then I tried JPG only again no files.
The only time they showed was if the RAW+JPG setting was set to one of the Both settings, didn't matter which,
What is your RAW+JPG setting?
I set the Import Settings to raw+jpg and there is no checkmark in the exclude audio files box. I deleted my Aperture Library File and re-imported the folder again. Still do not see wave files. Maybe Aperture does not like my Canon wave files.
If you can access the .wav files in Bridge, try to export them to the Desktop and drag them from there into the Aperture Library (into the filmstrip in the Browser). Then you will see if Aperture can open them at all.
I can drag and drop a .wav file from the desktop folder to the imported folder in Aperture and it shows up and works perfectly. So Aperture can read the file but for some reason will not import the .wav file from the desktop folder.
How are yu importing from the card, reader or camera?
I use a card reader and drag the files from the card to a desktop folder I create. Then I drag the desktop folder on to the Aperature icon in the dock and then let Aperture import. Maybe I should try to import directly from Aperture?
Maybe I should try to import directly from Aperture?
try to import directly from the camera - connect your camera to a USB port and use the Import Panel in Aperture.
Thank you all so much for your help. I will try that.
Yes dragging files onto the Aperture icon behave differently then going through the import panel. The settings in the import panel basically have no effect when you import this way.
No need to re-import from the camera. Just use the import panel pointed at the files already on your HD.
I imported as you suggested. Now the filmstrip at the bottom has a small speaker icon at the bottom right hand corner of the filmstrip picture, but I cannot figure out how to play the .wav file. When I drag the wav file from outside Aperture into the folder in Aperture, I get a full frame of the wav file in the filmstrip which is playable.
.wav files