if I buy Logic pro, how many computers can I install it on?
if I buy Logic pro, how many computers can I install it on? will the spp-store let me download again if get new computer?
Logic Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
if I buy Logic pro, how many computers can I install it on? will the spp-store let me download again if get new computer?
Logic Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Yes, as long as you sign into the Mac App Store in these three computers with the same Apple ID where you bought Logic Pro, you can download Logic Pro for your own personal use. If you get a new Mac, you can install it there, too.
Yes, as long as you sign into the Mac App Store in these three computers with the same Apple ID where you bought Logic Pro, you can download Logic Pro for your own personal use. If you get a new Mac, you can install it there, too.
If you buy as an individual consumer, you can install on all the Macs that are running OSX that you own or control.
If you buy as part of a business, you can either
1) install on all computers that an individual user uses.
2) Install on one computer that multiple people use.
.... and there is no limit to the number of computers that an individual can install it on?
Let's say, I have a MBP I use as school, another that I use for live recording, and a MacPro that I use at home for large projects; is that in keeping with the EULA?
I have used apple support in the past and found them to be very helpful but this time it was me just being lazy asking on the forums looking for that simple yes or no answer.
I'm sorry if I my last message came across as being a bit short with you, I had a rubbish day yesterday.
Anyway I was able to install Logic onto a 3rd Mac with no problems even though with the DVD version you were limited to using it on 2 computers.
* once installed an update is required from the App Store otherwise it won't work *
I am having a problem. What if I bought Logic Pro 9 on the original discs it was sold on, rather than having purchased it from the App Store? I purchased it 2 years ago before it was available on the App Store. I am currently running Logic Pro on a Macbook and an iMac. I want to run it on my new Macbook Pro as well. Please assist.
The license agreement for the DVD version of Logic is different... and only allows for you to install it on two computers (Specifically one desktop and one laptop) In additiont you are supposed to only actually run Logic on one of them at a time and not both at the same time...
So in your instance, you should, according to your license agreement, remove Logic from your older Macbook in order to install it on your new MacBook Pro....
However, if I were you, I would contact Apple to confirm this as there is some discussion as to if this license agreement is still in force or if Logic, once it is updated via the App Store Update routines in Mountain Lion, then is covered by the App Store agreement which allows unlimited installs of Logic Pro on any computer you own...
It's a very grey area... and there is nothing stopping you from installing Logic on all three Macs except for that license agreement as the physical check that used to be present in Logic Pro, to prevent you using it on more than one Mac at a time, was removed a while back... so read into that, what you will.
Again, to be absolutely sure, legally speaking, contact Apple and ask them for guidance... (and if possible get it in writing from them, if they give you the go ahead to install and use Logic Pro on a third computer)
Thank you for the response. You're right about this being a grey area. I've been receiving many different responses from different sources, however your answer seems to fit the best. What is the best way to direclty contact apple? Call their customer service number?
Surely not 24/7 and Apple support has long hours of availability....
Besides, what one person is told, would not help you unless you get it from them in writing yourself... so simply email support and get an answer...
Unless of course, you are not running a legal version of Logic............ which would then explain your reluctance to call or email Apple...
Do you know if there is any way i can see those computers I've downloaded logic on?
As we all know Logic is a lot of money and a while ago a friend of mine downloaded logic off of my apple account. Long story short that person and i no longer make music together but they're currently making music that's completely ripping mine off using the program (Logic) and effects i taught them to use and kindly let them download off of my account. Is there any way i can remove logic off of that persons Mac?
Change your Apple ID password. The only way your ex-friend can log in and get updates is through the original Apple ID, i.e., yours.
Never give your Apple ID password to someone else. It's madness an s h it like this happens.
Yes.. call the one for your part of the world...
The list can be found here...
Nice! Thanx!
Thanx, Apple! 🙂
can install LP on all the computers you own/control. ok. looks like someone's already got your answer.
Thank you all!!
Did you get hold of the apple support guys?
If so what was the outcome as I am in the same situation with having Logic Pro 9 on DVD.
if I buy Logic pro, how many computers can I install it on?