Just an update - I reset all settings, and that didn't work. Then I erased all content and settings, and that didn't work. Then I reset my phone in itunes, which also did not work. I then made a genius bar appointment and they reset my firmware, which also did not work. They told me that I could get a new phone with them for $169 plus tax ($190), and that was the best they could do for me. They recommended that I call apple support ( 1-800-myapple), so I did. They went through the typical troubleshooting options, which I had already tried. I spoke to the technician's supervisor, who told me that the only other option would be to send in my phone for $199.99 to be repaired, which would take 5-7 days.
My phone is 33 days past the one year warranty. I guess the only option is to pay the $190 and get another phone 😟