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Can't wake Lion over wifi (or ethernet) using iPad and home sharing.

I've upgraded to Lion and everything's fine apart from one problem: using my iPad to access home shared iTunes content on my mac no longer works when my mac is asleep.

That's a change in behaviour from Snow Leopard; I used to be able to sleep my mac and then wake it over wifi using either my iPad or iPhone to access all of my home shared libraries. The mac screen used to light up for ten seconds and then go dark again, but it served me the files.

Lion seems to go into a deeper sleep which it can't be woken from. If I attempt to wake my mac from my iPad within about ten minutes of putting my mac to sleep then home sharing seems to work and lets me use the home share libraries, but if I leave it any longer than that then the mac seems to fall into a coma and can't be woken. The weird thing is that I still see a "shared library" folder on my iPad, but when I click on it nothing happens. I think my Time Capsule is listening for wifi access and issuing the magic packet to the mac, but the mac just ain't listening.

I'm using a Time Capsule in bridge mode from an ADSL modem and I've accepted a TC firmware update last week and I'm on lion 10.7.3. I've tried using Ethernet to connect the mac to the TC (and temporarily disabled the wifi connection) but that still doesn't work. Also, note I'm NOT suffering from the problem that 10.7.3 seems to be giving a few other people - my mac reconnects to my wifi just fine when I wake it up manually. For the record, This was an upgrade, so there's still a tick in "wake on network" in power settings and home sharing on iTunes is still configured the same as it was before.

Does anyone have any suggestions about how I can get home sharing to work when my Lion mac is asleep please?


iMac 27" i5-760, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

Posted on Feb 12, 2012 1:27 AM

227 replies

Aug 28, 2012 12:47 PM in response to loïcfernandezcastrillon

I have two appletv 2's the first I've never had any issue with it and always seemed to work without problems. That apple tv is still connected to the network and hasn't hindered this test as it also hasn't been on in the last 24 hours.

The 2nd apple tv is much newer (not the 1080p version), this one is the one that wakes up loads, this is the one that has been unplugged for the last 24hours.

If this continues to work then I will try swapping them to see if it continues to work, if it does then homeshare can only handle one appletv at a time, if it doesn't the the newer apple tv is probably at fault and I'll try and take it back to apple.

Both are set to go to sleep after 15mins

Aug 28, 2012 4:20 PM in response to IIIMOODIII

Mine is a 3rd generation Apple TV, and sometimes it seems to pair with Time Capsule, cause Time Capsule dissapear and gets the same IP as Apple TV. So it's a problem from Apple TV now for sure. But how to set it correctly? I tried static IP but here again, sometimes Time Capsule and Apple TV have the same.

When I reset my network, I restart the router, then TC, then AirportExpress, iMac, iPad (the devices always at home). So 1: TC 2: AE 3: iMac 4:iPad

And it should stay this way, but when Apple TV is here, sometimes the AirPort becomes 1st, Time Capsule the last... somewhere, the Apple TV makes troubles with Time Capsule which makes the iMac to disconnect from the network.

Aug 30, 2012 1:36 PM in response to loïcfernandezcastrillon

Well no joy. I have left my Mac Pro asleep for 48hour and it has dropped off the network. I was able to see it on the network up until this morning but checking this evening and it has disappeared. So it seems that my appleTV can be put back on and I will just have to think of some other reasons for this not working.

Shame, it just seems one big mess, home share doesn't work for some people and wake on demand for others. I will be going back to scheduling my mac to wake in the evenings which will hopefully register itself on the network and then I'll be able to connect again, it's a good work around so I'll be happy with that for now.

Sep 8, 2012 12:19 PM in response to loïcfernandezcastrillon

Yep same for me, I've been looking in to the bonjour sleep proxy which seems to be the problem. I flushed the caches for it and it worked for a couple of day then stopped working. I have a couple of other ideas but will need the time to try them first.

I mainly use my appletv to watch my DVDs I have ripped to my mac pro, I do this most evenings so I have just set my energy saver to put the hard disk to sleep when possible and the screen to sleep after 3 mins. Then set the mac to sleep after 3 hours. Once all that is done I just set my energy saver schedule to wake in the evenings and I can access all my files as normal. It works for me, my mac hdd is idle when not in use and the screen is asleep so it's not really much different to being fully asleep. I only occasionally have to wake my mac up to get to my media.

Sep 9, 2012 5:58 AM in response to IIIMOODIII

No success to report I'm afraid. I just thought I'd record another thing I've tried so that it can be ruled out as a potential solution.

I'm in the UK on an ADSL line, and because of that I was using the TC in bridge mode behind a BT Home Hub 2 (which is an ADSL modem with build in router and wifi). I wondered if maybe the HH was changing IP addresses or something (I'm no network expert !!) when leases expired or as Ios devices (or my other two PC's) joined and left my home network.

So I borrowed a Draytek Vigor 120 modem which is a pure PPPoa to PPPoe Modem with no other features at all. It enabled me to put the TC into DHCP mode and act as the router so that it could fully handle the leases and NAT function.

Didn't work - my IPad/iPhone still can't wake (now Mountain) Lion for homesharing itunes media if my iMac has been sleeping for more than about 5 minutes.


Sep 16, 2012 12:35 PM in response to Jonathan216

I was also using the Wake On Demand feature before upgrading to ML without any problems. The scenario was:

- Web Server running on iMac

- iMac behind Airport Extreme

- iMac can sleep and should wake when someone browse to my websites hosted on the iMac

- People browse the websites from outside the local network so the Airport Extreme should wake my iMac

After upgrading to ML this feature was broken. I noticed that the Bonjour Service for port 80 was not registered for my iMac so i went on searching why.

Fixed by placing back the mod_bonjour.so file from SL in /usr/libexec/apache2/ (this file is not present in ML)

Added the module back to the httpd configuration file for Apache.

In the new httpd.conf file I added: "LoadModule bonjour_module libexec/apache2/mod_bonjour.so"

Restarted Apache in Terminal with:

sudo apachectl stop

sudo apachectl start

Checked with Bonjour Browser if my iMac registered tcp port 80 and it DID !

Fixed the wake up on demand issue for me!

Sep 21, 2012 7:42 AM in response to Tony T1

I have been having the same problem. Yesterday things started to work, and here is what I did:

Symptoms: cannot wake up a mac mini on my home network for home sharing; cannot wake up imac at work for screen sharing.

What failed: everything suggested in this thread.

What worked: I went to airport utility, and found a "Back to Mac" option for my airport extreme. I put in my apple id and password. Then I just pressed "update." Now, logically, this does not seem very relevant, as this option simply allows an attached disk to be accessed remotely. But the strangest thing happened. After a 12 hour sleep, the mac mini was awoken by my iPad for home sharing this morning.

Can't wake Lion over wifi (or ethernet) using iPad and home sharing.

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