ctrl-alt-delete on mac book pro?
I have windoes xp on my mac book pro...how do i use the ctrl-alt-delete function?
iPhone 4
I have windoes xp on my mac book pro...how do i use the ctrl-alt-delete function?
iPhone 4
Try Ctrl+Alt/Option+fn+Delete key
Or Ctrl+Alt/Option+Esc
Or right click on the Taskbar and select Task Manager from the context menu items.
If you're using Boot Camp, check out
If you're using a VM such as Parallels, check out the docs which came with it.
Ctrl+Alt+backspace should do the trick:) Cheerz:)😉
CTRL+ALT+DEL Control–Option–Forward Delete
Control-Option-Fn-Delete (on MacBook keyboards)
SharpArrowMusic wrote:
What Sharp said. ➕
Try this on MacBook Pro command>option>control>fn>delete. Hallelujah
Done on Mac OSX 10.6.6
Order of the first four keys doesn't matter. Delete should be the key pressed last.
Forgive me for replying to such an old posting, but it is one of the first results in google for "bootcamp ctrl alt delete"
If you're stuck at the windows login screen, press the Apple key + U then activate the onscreen keyboard to click Ctrl Alt Delete.
Once you've done that, besure to install the Bootcamp software in Windows. After that, Ctrl / Alt / delete (backspace) will work.
Try <ctrl> <alt> <fn> <backspace>
ctrl-alt-delete on mac book pro?