Will UV from a tanning booth hurt my iphone
Can I use my iPhone in a tanning booth or will the UV cause damage?
iPhone 4S
Can I use my iPhone in a tanning booth or will the UV cause damage?
iPhone 4S
As long as your tanning bad stays within the temperature range of the iPhone you should have no issue. If it is too hot it will have a deletorious impact on your battery.
As long as your tanning bad stays within the temperature range of the iPhone you should have no issue. If it is too hot it will have a deletorious impact on your battery.
Sorry but if your not going to answer the question then don't comment at all? People click on this section because they want an answer to the question? Maybe some people can't leave there phones? Or they want it for music? Or there just asking because there curious. And Yes, you can take your phone in the sunbed. I know loads of people that go on them frequently and take there phones every time and they haven't had any problems.
Seriously Thank you for not spouting a bunch of nonsense like everyone else did! I love that you simply
answered the question. I don't understand why people always want to push advice no one asked for.
Sorry I thought this was an iPhone forum. Just wanted an answer to my question. Yes I can live without my phone. I just wanted to listen to music. Nevermind.
WHY are you responding to posts from 5 years ago?
I find it super annoying that random people try to lecture you whilst you were asking a simple and specific question, if they don't have your answer, they should mind their own business! Especially when they're not informed at all, like the peanut guy who doesn't know that everyone listens to music while tanning... LOL
NO kidding @kimc815 I also was surprised by the unsolicited advice. They reminded me of a bunch of old ladies at our church giving me advice I didn't need or want during my pregnancy with my son! 😉
Who says there careing more about the phone then there body? Sorry but it's up to them to go on a sunbed and there asking a simply question. All these people assuming other things from one question, I infuriates me. Some people like sunbed a? And some people hate them? The fact some of yous are putting out about skin cancer and all that rubbish, yes it does happen but rarely. But again, there choice not yours. I LOVE SUN BEDS BY THE WAY
No,, it won't hurt the iPhone, but it will give you skin cancer.
SPF 70 on your phone, and it should be OK...you on the other hand...well...good luck!
I'm sorry, why would you take your iphone or any phone into the tanning booth. Can't anyone leave there phone behind?
Why would you be more worried about your phone being damaged by UV than you are about your own body?
To listen to music??? Duhhhhh
Will UV from a tanning booth hurt my iphone