Fully Uncompressed Quicktime format
Hi, client has asked for a fully uncompressed Quicktime format of a project we did for them. It was a 2 minute clip done on FCP. What are the export settings for a fully uncompressed quicktime clip?
Hi, client has asked for a fully uncompressed Quicktime format of a project we did for them. It was a 2 minute clip done on FCP. What are the export settings for a fully uncompressed quicktime clip?
FULLY uncompressed would be ProRes 4444 or Animation.
Perhaps they mean Uncompressed 8 bit or Uncompressed 10 bit?
You can export your project using "current settings" then use Compressor to convert it.
In Compressor you'll find those presets in: Settings>Apple>Formats>Quicktime>
Or, you could duplicate your sequence and change the sequence compressor to Uncompressed 8 (or 10 ) bit and export using "current settings".
Well, what format of footage do you have? What are your sequence settings? The video is already compressed into the format that you are editing with. So, the best thing to export would be FILE>EXPORT>Quicktime Movie. Self Contained, do not recompress. That will export a file exactly in the same format it was edited. No further compression, so it will be "uncompressed."
If that isn't good enough for them, ask them specifically what they mean. Because there is no "FULLY UNCOMPRESSED" format. Every codec is some form of compression, even Apple Uncompressed 10-bit...Animation and PhotoJPEG, which are at the top of the list quality wise. BUT, delivering your final output, "compressed" to an uncompressed format would be silly. That would be compressing it again. Just exporting a self contained QT file is as uncompressed as it will get.
Thanks Studio X, to be honest i dont think they know what they want. Im going to go down the compressor route. Excuse my ignorance but is there much of a difference between uncompressed 8 or 10 bit?
... or they could mean 'not compressed any more than it is.' What is the format now? Chances are, the format it's in now is a compressed format. If you export a self-contained movie without checking the "Recompress All Frames" choice, the resulting video would be no more compressed than it already is. And as long as they have the codecs needed to play the audio and video, it should work on their system.
Thanks Shane. If i do an export > quicktime movie > Self contained, will they not need FCP to open this QT movie?
As long as they have the codecs needed to play the audio and video, it should work on their system.
As has been noted in Shane and David H's posts, offering up your material in the native editing codec is the best this is going to be.
The simple answer is 10 bit allows for much finer gradation of color - something in the billions - while 8 bit is a 16.7 million color format. There are commensurate file size differences.
If the material you have was acquired as 8 bit but you edited in a 10 bit format (ProRes is 10 bit) and you did color correction, compositing, titling in 10 bit, then there would be some benefit to keeping the material in 10 bit format - eg ProRes. Transferring it to 10 Uncompressed will not help any in further processing but perhaps makes the material more generic as ProRes is a proprietary codec.
good luck
Can someone please confirm that doing when expoerting via FCP by File>export>quicktime movie>current settings>make movie self contained. That this file will play on a cleints PC that DOESNT have FCP they just have QT? On my mac the file has an FCP logo on it so im just a bit worried the client wont be able to open. Please confirm?
That just means that IF you have FCP installed, that is the app that will open that file by default. You can change the OPEN WITH to QT and the icon will change.
Now...will it work on a PC. Depends...what codec is the footage? XDCAM, HDV, DVCPRO HD codecs that FCP employs are FCP only.
Thanks Shane. It was XDCAM footage. Does that mean even if the PC has QT it wont open it? Surely once its exported as a QT file it will open on any PC or Mac that has QT installed? No?
No. When FCP wraps those specific formats into QT, only a machine with FCP can see those files. Those codecs are only available in FCP.
You will need to convert the footage to a format a PC can understand. Photo JPEG 75%, or ProRes. ProRes is good. Light, easy to play.
Cheers Shane i guess ill go with ProRes, is that in the export settings of FCP?
Export a self contained QT file. Use compressor to convert to ProRes.
Thanks Shand and just to confirm the ProRes clip will play on any PC even without FCP?
As long as they have Quicktime 7.6, yes.
Fully Uncompressed Quicktime format