How do I access the firewall in Airport Extreme?
Hello, this may be a very stupid question, but how do I access the firewall in my brand new Airport Extreme? According to the Apple specifications, it contains a built-in firewall, yet I cannot find any mention of this when using Airport Utility to set up the Extreme.
I am using the Extreme connected directly to a modem on the UK BT Infinity fibre optic broadband system using PPoE. The modem is not a combined modem/router, it is a modem only, hence using the Extreme to set up my network, which I have to say (apart from this one question) was incredibly easy. The wireless system is protected as WPA2 Personal.
Router mode is "DHCP and NAT" and "Enable NAT port mapping protocol" is ticked as on - is that it? Is that all I have do to have the firewall on? Should I also have "Enable Default Host" ticked as well? Apologies if this is a silly question - I do not understand firewall set-ups.
I am using 10.7.3 Lion on my MacBook Pro and have a Mac Mini on Snow Leopard connected to the Extreme, plus the usual assortment of iPads, iPhones, Apple TV and iPod Touch.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)