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Have to constantly renew DHCP lease

Using a Mac Pro and Lion. Recently updated to 10.7.3, but have no idea if the update is related to this problem.

My internet connection drops constantlly. I have to "renew DHCP lease" about every 10 or 15 minutes, and certainly when I restart. I've tried using a manual ip, which does work for a while. Also changed my DNS to Google's public DNS ( and I also restart the modem and router every time: turning them all off and then turning them back on one at a time, when they are fully booted up.

Also downloaded some software that is supposed to find the "DNS changer virus" -- it reported that I did not have that virus.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), MacPro2,1 Quad-Core Intel Xeon

Posted on Mar 4, 2012 3:16 PM

48 replies

Oct 30, 2013 3:35 AM in response to triglyph

This seems to be the only work around that works so far, manually setting an IP address, I have suggested this work around to a number of friends with the same issue and so far everyone has had success.

It would be better if we didn't have to set our ip's manually, and the DHCP renewal button worked, but such is life.

Set your IP manually, set it far away from everything else on your network and you should be fine.

See my post 4 or 5 posts back to get a step by step guide. Again, can't hurt to try.

Oct 31, 2013 5:41 AM in response to triglyph

OK I think I have this fixed - been stable so far today on my Mac Pro wired connection after several sleeps! 🙂

Problem seems to lie in the automatic location setting in the network settings, so here's what I did...

1. Network settings - Location - Edit Locations

2. Add a new location .. "Home" for example

3. With home selected, click the cogwheel below the network services and choose "Set Service Order"

4. Reorder the services so your preferred connection type is at the top

5. After that, select each service in turn (assuming you have a few - like Bluetooth PAN etc)

6. Make the services you are not using inactive

7. Apply

Please post if this works for you - it's been dragging on far too long and needs sorting out by Apple but if this is a good workaround for people then it will do for now.

Oct 31, 2013 6:21 AM in response to triglyph

My solution which is also SpankyMK's is still working - over 24 hours now. Don't forget that after changing the DHCP on your computer you also need to tell your router that it is a static IP.

The only thing I haven't tested is when my wife gets back from hol and two new devices are added to the network.

I will keep you posted.

Oct 31, 2013 11:32 AM in response to jrnano

jrnano wrote:

I had - iPad, iPhone, iMac, wireless printer. My iMac uses ethernet to a small netgear switching router which is connected to my powerline ethernet. The powerline ethernet goes downstairs to another powerline ethernet that my Airport Extreme is wired to. My Airport Extreme is a wireless extension of my Airport Express. My Airport Express is linked via ethernet to my O2 wireless router.

So by my account you have three wireless routers here which means you either have two Wi-Fi networks or you have put the O2 in bridge mode, is that correct? Since most 2.4 MHz Wi-Fi channels overlap, having two networks in the same house could be causing a lot of interference or is there a 5MHz router involved? I'll also observe that it's unusual to have your Extreme be an extension of the Express, since it probably has greater capability as routers go. I'm used to seeing Expresses used as the extension, but not sure it would make any difference.

I also changed IPv6 to local link only in case that was causing issues (I can't think why it would but it was some positive action I could take).

It has worked for many users. In some cases it was problems with their ISP's implementation of IPv6 and in others it fixed a known issue with some models of Airport Express, but that usually involved AirPlay.

Apple - just tell every one a fix - Please!!!!!

You do know that Apple may not even be reading this, right?

Oct 31, 2013 12:06 PM in response to triglyph

This Fix has got things working for me.

I have reprinted this response from a earlier post I have made (Repost) A number of people were asking me about my fix, so I have expanded my response to hopefully offer a little more clarity.

I was having this problem the other night after I finished doing a massive upgrade to our Home Network (New Router, Modem, Cabling, Etc)

I had to reset my DHCP lease every few minutes, in the end I found Mac Mini's IP Address kept setting itself to other items on the Network, I have some items connected on wired (ethernet) and some were connected on WiFi (Airport Extreme) after clicking the DHCP Lease Renew the Mac Mini would grab an IP address that it thought was available but then another item on my network would "check in" then we would have a clash, The Mac Mini was grabbing what it thought was an available IP address, the DHCP Renew button was not setting the Mac Mini's IP number far enough away to stop the clash.

I was watching the items on my Routers Attached devices screen, The Mac Mini would show up on the page with its new address (after hitting the DHCP Renewal button) then something else would check in with that exisiting IP Address, clash and the Mac Mini would need it's DHCP lease renewed again.

My Network consists of:

- Mac Mini (Wired)

- Acer Laptop (Wired)

- PS3 (1) (wired)

- Apple TV (wired)

- Airport Extreme (wired and looking ater WiFi duties throughout the house)

- PS3 (2) (WiFi)

- TV (WiFi)

- iPad (WiFi)

- Nexus 7 (WiFi)

- Printer (WiFi)

I'll be the first to admit my Networking knowledge is limited (and I'm learning more all the Time) but I simply went into the preferences panel and set the IP address manually.

1. I went into Preferences and selected Network

2. Set Configure IPV4 to: using DHCP with manual address

Now it helped I had my NetGear Routers "Attached devices" Page open here so I could see the address of everything else on my network (I went and switched everything on that was web connected so it would be logged in and running on the network) I looked at the last digit or 2 of every item on my network and then set my new IP address.

3. To ensure I wouldn't have any more clashes I set my new IP address far away from the the others* your only changing the last digit or 2 of the IP address, so in the case of my Mac Mini it went from

xxx.xxx.02 to xxx.xxx.0.52 (note the x's are normally your IP address numbers)

*I originally set it to xxx.xxx.09 but I since found the TV had that IP address (The one thing I forgot to check the previous night) so I this is when I decided to set it far away from the rest of the bunch by setting it to .52 (No specific reason for 52, that was just the 1st number to pop into my head)

Now that was over a week ago and since then I have had no more issues on my Network, so far everything is running smooth and fast. (It has now been over 3 weeks since I posted this, and everything is still working perfectly, I suggested this solution to 2 friends having the same issue and it also fixed there problems as well)

Jan 30, 2014 11:31 AM in response to triglyph

I was having a similar problem. Only on wifi, no problems with wired.

Changing IPv6 from Automatic to Local only seems to have solved the problem.

More details:

MacBookPro from 2008 or 2009.

I had an Asus wifi router before and never had problems with it.

Recently changed ISP and got a new wifi router and the problems started.

I was running Snow Leopard.

Upgraded to Mavericks in the hope to solve the problem but it didn't.

After reading this thread I started by changing the IPv6 configuration (Network preferences > Wifi > Advanced > TCP/IP > IPv6) from "Automatic" to "Local only". I was a bit skeptical about this solution, but so far it has been stable and I have been using it for several hours without loosing connection... (before it would probably not last longer than 30-40 min before having to renew DHCP)

Hope this might be of use for someone else having the same problem that might end up on this thread like I did.

Oct 8, 2015 3:50 PM in response to triglyph

Sorry to resurrect an older thread everyone, but I have been experiencing this issue for a couple months even after the brand new OSx El Capitan, and nothing in this forum seemed to resolve it. So with that being said, I called Tech support of my modem and they solved it for me and I would like to share just in case anyone else is reading this thread with no luck 🙂

So I have a Netgear C6300 Cable Modem with Comcast, and I was constantly experiencing the Renew DHCP Lease issue randomly, whether coming back from sleep or just sitting there. We have four Macbook Air's, Four iPhones, One iMAC, an Epson Printer, a first gen wii, an xbox 360, and two xbox ones connected to the Router/ Modem so you can see my need for the dual band and a modem that can handle 100mbps+.

For what it's worth, I did not have any real issues with the iPhones or the Xbox during this problem, only with the computers. And the reason why is because the phones tend to stay connected to the wifi 100% of the time, so there is no slight disconnect/ reconnect conflict present. Only when the phones are turned off then on, or enter airplane mode or low power mode do they tend to get confused and have to be renewed. The xboxs' for the most part stay off until you want to play them, and everytime they turn on they renew their IP automatically so there was never an issue with them. Just thought i'd add that.

Anyway, the first couple months went by with no issue, then it randomly did the IP disconnect. I searched and searched and to no avail I gave up and called Tech support. He had it solved (permanently) within ten minutes.

So something I didn't tell you guys before because I didn't think it mattered when I did it at the time, was that months ago (around the same time the problems began, of course I made no correlation) I had to reset the modem back to factory settings because I lost my modem login(I changed it from the factory login "admin" and "password" for some reason). I wanted to change something or look into something. I forget why i needed to get back into it but I digress. My family and I are huge Game Of Thrones fans, so naturally when I first set up the modem I named the 5gz SSID: House Targaryen, and the 2.4gz SSID: House Stark. Cool right? Well this ended up being my downfall.

Apparently a cardinal sin of setting up a WAN is if you have to make changes to the modem after initial setup, they prefer it if you do not use the same network (SSID) names. Remember when I said I had to factory reset the modem? Well when I did I naturally renamed the SSID's the same thing I had them at before and all my devices were getting confused. They thought the SSID they were connected to before were the exact same ones they had always connected to, but when you delete and rename an SSID they change ever so slightly (even if they are the same). I'm sure programmer's could enlighten us as to why but anyways, he simply had me change the names(SSID's) and passwords for those SSID's to something else, and just to be safe he had me add "5G" at the end of whatever name i gave the 5gz SSID.

So if you guys are having issues with this and nothing above is solving it, try thinking back and remembering if you had made changes to the modem at any point and you gave your SSID(s) the same name as before (no matter how long ago it might've been). Simply changing them (and the passwords too!), could be your saving grace.

Hope this helps!


May 18, 2016 3:07 PM in response to triglyph

Facing this problems for over a month. Every time I'm at home, my work laptop (and ONLY my work laptop) drops the connection every 15 minutes for about 2 minutes. Hitting "Renew DHCP Lease" would reconnect instantly. I considered writing a script to ping google and renew lease if no response.

I had an idea though!! After reading about the conflicting IP addresses that seem to cause this issue, I looked at my ip address and it was xxx.xxx.xxx.2 and the router was xxx.xxx.xxx.1. So I went in the router settings and had the IP addresses start at .3 instead of .2. This gave me an error and I couldn't connect to the wifi for a while. Even when it was back it wouldn't connect. I reset my wifi and clicked renew DHCP lease several times until voila! I was auto-assigned xxx.xxx.xxx.5 and problem is gone (so far).

False alarm: NOT SOLVED. Issue returned.

May 18, 2016 3:09 PM in response to darbarinyc

Very helpful suggestion, but for another problem I'm having. Actually my problem with the computer losing connection to the internet was solved when I installed an OS update, but I am having a terrible problem with my Tivo. I have a "satellite" Tivo that connects to the main Tivo inside and the two lose connection many times in a day. I'm going to try your idea and see if it helps.

May 24, 2016 9:40 AM in response to triglyph

Hey everyone,

I tried every fix on here and other forums, but still no luck for me, even with fully updated software. I wrote a program that basically automatically renews the DHCP when the wifi drops. For example, according to my program, I've had 388 failures in the last 91 hours, and did not notice a single one. This program will need to be customized for your SSID, so email me at mac.wifi.fix@gmail.com and I can get you set up as fast as possible!

Jun 17, 2016 6:58 AM in response to fcopello

Not solved, the problem returned after an hour.

So I wrote a script that definitely solved my problem

#begin of script



echo "Renewing: $(date)"

echo "add State:/Network/Interface/en0/RefreshConfiguration temporary" | sudo scutil

sleep 5s


#end of script

If anyone want to try

Save the script above to a file, for example renew.sh (you can type vi renew.sh from yout terminal. Press 'I' to change it to insert mode and paste the content. Use 'Esc', and ':wq' to quit and save it)

chmod +x renew.sh (to make the shell script runnable)

sudo ./renew.sh (to run the script)

Have to constantly renew DHCP lease

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