why windows 8 consumer preview is not detecting my cd/DVD drive?
I installed windows 8 consumer preview on my imac. I installed all the latest drivers successfuly but the os is not detecting the cd drive. What should I do?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I installed windows 8 consumer preview on my imac. I installed all the latest drivers successfuly but the os is not detecting the cd drive. What should I do?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Windows 8 isn't an Apple product, I'd suggest posting to a Microsoft forum or if you are using Fusion, Parrallels or Boot Camp to one of those forums.
Generally Boot camp has needed very specific drivers to install very specific operating systems. All other virtualization programs are much more flexible in terms of installing non-Apple operating systems. It is doubtful the drivers for a "preview" operating system are available from Apple unless you are a developer. And if there any developers here, they are typically under non-disclosure agreements. So here's where you can find other virtualization tools:
Did you use the SETUP method? or the ISO method? and did you do a clean install?
I've installed 8 on 3 systems, all clean installs - I learned the hard way with 8 DP that an upgrade isn't a good choice.
It detected your DVD to install Windows, right?
This is a PUBLIC preview and no one needs NDA for using it.
Seeing that you said "CD" I take it this is external and not internal? USB? Firewire? SuperDrivie? Some people can't use their superdrive when placed in an external USB/FW case in order to boot and install Windows 7. And that is not a Winidows issue so much as an Apple issue with not supporting a normal Windows feature.
Maybe you installed something? and CD stopped after that? Not all programs and drivers are and even if you "successfully installed" Apple drivers, not to say they are safe to use on your system.
After installing W 8 CP 64 bit & running original then most recent Bootcamp to update drivers, my cd/dvd drive was recognized. But this is a Mac Pro box not an iMac.
thanks for all of you..
I don't need anymore help..
windows 8 finally detected my cd drive!
I found the answer on a microsoft site..
i solved it by writing a command in cmd and it works 🙂
wanna share what and why?
Link to thread?
I am having the exact same issue as to why my superdrive isn't being recognised. Can you post on here how you fixed your issue?
I tried to sue The Hatter's link but I am still lost. Thx
1. Run Command Prompt as an Administrator. Type cmd in Windows 8 Metro UI and press cltr+shift+enter
2. Type following and say enter
reg.exe add "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\atapi\Controller0" /f /v EnumDevice1 /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001
3. Reboot the system
4. Verify if the problem has been resolved.
why windows 8 consumer preview is not detecting my cd/DVD drive?