I'm also having the same problem as evryone else. I have wifi for a short while (approx 15 - 30mins) before the ipad loses connection. Then it takes a considerable amount of attempts and resets to try and establish connection again. I also have an ipad one which maintains a perfect strong singnal at the same time and in the exact same location as my new ipad. The new ipad i have is the 32GB wi-fi only model.
I have tried all the resets posted but none worked BUT i did discover this by chance posted by another forum member back in Oct 2011 relating to wifi issues for the iphone, i have tried it out on the new ipad and so far, after a couple of hours, i can report I now have perfect wifi connection, though i do not know if this is just coincedence. The info i found is as follows:
Go to Settings > General > Network > Wi-Fi In the settings for connection point the DNS servers to an opendns server such as and save the settings.
hopefully the wifi should now connect and stay connected. As i mentioned before i can take no credit for this and i dont know how long it will work for, or if it will work for you, but so far its working for me and anything is worth a try.