Veescope Live on Macbook Pro via Matrox IO?
Hope you've all been doing well
Question: Green Screen and live keying and viewing
Camera: Sony A65
Viewing Devices: 2011 Macbook Pro 15 inch (System Unit), Sony Bravia (HDTV)
About to do my first green screen movie and wondering what devices would be needed to get HDMI signal input for live viewing and keying in Veescope Live.
I keep reading ' Capture directly to PRO RES 4:4:4 using a Quicktime compatible capture card', what brand and model and devices is/has 'Quicktime Compatible Capture'? And what does it mean?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 3.4 GHz i7, 8gb Ram, Radeon HD 6970