How to transfer rmvb files from pc to iPad 3 using oplayer hd
I have downloaded oplayer hd from app store. Could anyone tell me what to do after?
iPad, iOS 5
I have downloaded oplayer hd from app store. Could anyone tell me what to do after?
iPad, iOS 5
To import RMVB files to ipad 3, you first need import rmvb files to iTunes, but itunes does not support rmvb files, so a recommend method is to convert RMVB to iTunes more supported MP4 or MOV. Here is a step by step guide on how to convert RMVB to itunes for ipad/iphone/ipod.
You need to connect to iTunes (via cable or wirelessly) and select iPad under devices (on the right hand side). Then go to the apps tab, scroll down to the File Sharing section and click on oplayer HD (left column labelled apps). Then select add the file(s) you desire.
It works. Thank you very much for your great help!
No problem, enjoy !
You are responding to a thread from 5 years ago in which a solution was already provided
How to transfer rmvb files from pc to iPad 3 using oplayer hd