Time Capsule - blinking amber light
am using my time capsule with an imac for back up only. the back up seems to be working fine but i keep getting this blinking amber light. do i ignore it ?
am using my time capsule with an imac for back up only. the back up seems to be working fine but i keep getting this blinking amber light. do i ignore it ?
A persistent, flashing amber light indicates that any of the several potential conditions may require your attention:
(ref: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=305101)
If you run the AirPort Utility, it will show an amber circle on the summary page next to the area(s) causing the problem. Click on this amber circle and it should provide an explanation.
A persistent, flashing amber light indicates that any of the several potential conditions may require your attention:
(ref: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=305101)
If you run the AirPort Utility, it will show an amber circle on the summary page next to the area(s) causing the problem. Click on this amber circle and it should provide an explanation.
Worked perfectly and cleared up the issue.
the amber blinkiinng light indicates a couple things
1> Firmware update
2> Not fully configured
3> Network wiht out password
4> Not a vaild IP
5> No dns servers
6> double nat
7> ethernet cable unplugged
Best thing to do would be to open Airport utility And see what the status says.
If its just a back up then you mostly likely you didnt connect ethenet canles and its going to be 3 errors. > error 4/5 and 7 fromt eh list above >> just ignore all the errors
Try this as to establish if there is an issue or only a firmware update to be done
Tesserax was helpeful -- I had a blinking amber light on my Apple Time Capsule; had forgot that I had changed my Apple ID Password. I went straight to the Airport Utility and re-entered my new Password; Fixed! Sometimes it's the little things that seem like more profound problems! Thank you Tesserax -- I like Iron Man too!
turns out it was actually a problem with a drive connected to time capsule. i noticed this because as soon as i unplugged that drive from time capsule, the light turned green. so i connected that disk directly to my computer and ran disk utility, which revealed a problem with the partition map and "loader space"...whatever that means. I tried to repair it, but it failed the first time as it has 3 partitions. i had to verify each one, which I did so successfully. once each one was verified, i was able to go and repair the whole disk, even though I believe only one of the partitions, the Time Machine partition, was the culprit.
I had the same issue but the simple and easy fix is as follows:
1. Open the "AirPort Utility" and you will see the blinking amber light next to Time Capsule along with other wireless devices such as AirPort Express.
2. Click on the red number beside it (as if it is an unopened email) and the system will ask for a password.
3. Click on the password box and tada, the system will state to update firmware. Do that and the system will update the firmware and within a few minutes, your blinking amber light will change back to being a happy solid green light.
Thanks @Tesserax. That worked perfectly. Legend!
It also indicates that there is an error with the internal disk, which is what mine says, and I don't know how to fix it.
It needed a firmware update. All is well. This is the only posting that mentioned firmware update possibility.
Thanks! Time machine needed update and I now have steady green light!
Time Capsule - blinking amber light