Tried to increase DCHP Address range, but now getting error messages
I need to increase the number of IP addresses on my network (10.6 server), and I followed the recommendation from an Apple rep, but now I am getting an error message. Here's what I did:
Used Server Admin DCHP > Starting iP Address:, Ending IP Address (was changed this to
This is the error message I am getting.
Apr 10 09:08:51 macserver servermgrd[16959]: servermgr_dhcp:bootp config:Error:subnet "192.168.200 Ethernet" net_range_start ( and net_range_end ( with net_mask ( are on different subnets
Apr 10 09:08:51 macserver servermgrd[16959]: servermgr_dhcp:bootp config:Error:Subnet '192.168.200 Ethernet': start '' and end '' are on different subnets according to mask ''
I would like the users to be able to print to a statically assigned printer with the address
Thanks very much.
Mac Mini, Mac OS X (10.6.4)